Lukas: 11

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I'm hating Valentina less and less, and it's confusing me now.

I wake up to her on my chest, the morning light cast upon her face, illuminating it like the angel she is. Or demon, I haven't decided yet. She made her way into my heart somehow.

We ended up falling asleep on the couch, and it's not very large, so my feet hang over the end with Valentina aside me. I might fall, but that's okay. I need to get up sooner or later.

Sensing my movement, Valentina stirs awake.

"L-Luke?" She yawns, eyelashes fluttering along with my heart.

"Morning, sunshine." I laugh at her bedhead.

"What a waste your sisters' makeover was." She grins up at me. "I thought they were at a private school?"

"It's spring break. And soon courting season." I groan. "I have to find suitors for them. Although Elodie is probably seeing someone."

"Right, so because you're the last older brother standing, aside from Adler, you have to approve of their marriages?" She raises a brow.

"Yup. Their fate is in my hands." I shake my head, scared to have that much power when it could go so wrong. "Although if they want to marry, it's not my choice. I'll just approve whoever they want me to approve."

"Wow." Valentina sighs, getting up and removing her crown from her head as she proceeds to finger her way through the knots in her hair. "So, what's on the agenda for today?"

"Running a kingdom. That's the agenda every day, from now on." I roll my eyes at her obvious question as I sit up too. "Hey, we... we need to talk about what happened yesterday. I'm a little confused."

"You're not the only one." Valentina sighs, taking a wipe from her purse she had with her and removing the makeup from her face. "One minute I hated you, and the other I couldn't get enough of you."

"So.. what does that mean?" I ask. "I'm not sure how to go about this."

"Of course you don't, you're a guy." She mutters. "I mean, I... I hate you, but I'm freaking out. I mean, in the moment, I want to hate your guts. I hate that your family killed my parents, but if I'm being honest, I got over that a long time ago."

"I genuinely don't know what happens when I look at you... the sight of your face makes me go a little crazy, although I don't know in what sense of the word." I scratch the back of my neck embarrassedly. "What are we?"

"Aint that a loaded question." She scoffs. "I'm too sober for this. I hate you, okay? Do what you will with that information."

"God, quit saying that." I rub a hand over my face.

"What?" Valentina squints. "I hate you? Wasn't it kind of-"

"Stop." I grit my teeth, feeling the emotions arising in me.

Valentina smirks, realizing that I don't dislike her saying it, but rather it's turning me on. She pushes her hair back, and kicks her heels off with a groan before turning to me.

"I hate you." She whispers into my ear, teasing as the blood rushes to my face. "I hate the fact that we're stuck together for the rest of our lives. I hate you so-"

I can't keep still any longer. I grab her face and pull it to mine, crashing down on her lips. She makes a surprised gasp, but recovers and grasps my neck furiously.

"You suck." She gasps between kisses.

"You suck more." I slam back onto her mouth.

"I literally hate you so bad." She gets out.

"Already planning your death, love." I pull her closer.

I kiss her furiously, because I'm not thinking straight enough to be kind about this burning in me right now. She buries her hands in my hair, and I pick her up with only one arm, the other holding the small of her back, pulling her closer and closer until we can't get any tighter against each other. I can feel the curves of her body folding around me, and I suck her neck as she groans a pretty sound that makes me tremble.

I don't know what I'm doing anymore, and it's hit me so abruptly that I'm kissing the enemy. Her finger dig into my neck, trying to hold me even closer when it's not even possible anymore.

Her legs wrap around my waist, and she grinds into me a little, just enough to get me going, I can already feel myself twitch and tremor, and before she can swivel her pretty little hips again, a phone rings from her purse.

"Ugh...- Luke, I have to get that..." She says, but I cut her off with my kisses.

"It can wait." I sit down on the couch as she rolls her eyes.

"I seriously need to get it." She moans when I suck her neck.

"Fine." I sigh, grumbling but releasing her painfully from my grasp.

She lets out a deep breath and picks it up to her ear.

"Hey, Luis." She smiles to herself. "How's it doing?"

I watch her nod to herself for a little while until speaking once again.

"Tuesday sounds great!" She makes an mmhmm sound while the other person talks. "Dinner? Awesome, text me your address and I'll write it on my calendar."

She laughs at something the person says.

"Of course I use a calendar, royal people aren't complete weirdos. How else will we remember stuff?" She rolls her eyes.

My eyebrows drop down in a suspicious glare as I watch her nod more.

"Okay! Looking forward to it!" She eagerly nods. "Thanks again! See you!"

She hangs up and smiles down at her phone before snapping out of it and tucking it back into her purse.

"Who was that?" I say, a little more edge to my voice than there should have been.

"No way..." Valentina snorts. "You're actually jealous."

"Are you kidding? I only heard half of the conversation." I scoff.

"I was just making plans with a friend. He's going to cook me dinner." She smiles happily to herself.

"Are you kidding me? We all know what that guys plan is." I glare.

"I didn't think you were the jealous type, but wow, you're proving me wrong." She laughs.

"I didn't think you would ever make out with me, but here we are the second time, darling. And you're not going on that date." I cross my arms.

"Um, first, I'm sorry but you don't have control over what I do. And it's not a date." She shakes her head.

"Not a date? What kind of hangout with you two in his house where he's cooking dinner for you isn't a date?" I scoff.

"The kind where I'm at him and his girlfriends house to get to know them better because I met this guy like a week ago." Valentina snaps.

That shuts me up, obviously. I know it's none of my business what she does, but it did sound like she was planning a date just after kissing me.

"Oh. Well, I wasn't jealous, just... you know." I turn myself the other way.

"You know? What does that mean, Luke?" Valentina grins. "You're cute trying to cover your tracks."

I cup her face and kiss it without warning, and pull back.

"You're cute all the time." I roll my eyes, blushing furiously.

She beams, and picks up her purse.

"Well, I have a kingdom to run, but I'll catch you another time." She says. "I got it."

"Got what?"

"What we are." She nods.

"And that would be?"

"Enemies with benefits."

"Sounds about right to me." I nod, but it doesn't.

Enemies to lovers sounds better.

But I can't tell if it's just me or not.

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