Valentina: 18

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"Oh my god!" I squeal, making Luke rub his ears. "I get to be an aunt! This is amazing!"

Tate, Luke's best friend he's just introduced me to, smiles hesitantly.

"Do you mind if I hug you? I don't want to overbearing, but I've been really excited to meet you since Tate told me about you." I grin, and Tate laughs.

"Of course!" We embrace. "Thanks for your awesome welcome."

"Sorry!" I blush. "I get a little exhilarated in the moment."

"I love it." Tate winks, and I return her favor with a smile. "Valentina, right?"

"Yep, I'm sure you've read the tabloids." I roll my eyes, too happy to let the press bother me in the moment. "Nice to meet you, Tate."

"Pleasure's mine." She accepts the hand I offer her, and we shake, causing a faked yawn out of Luke.

"What?" I raise an eyebrow at his cocky smirk that I don't see very often, and he comes back from his stance leaning against a palace pillar.

"Nothing." He gives me a rueful grin. "But if you two are done with the squeal-fest, I think we have to do what we came for."

"Right." Tate nods, and I scoff.

"Whatever, Luke. Don't let me celebrate your best friend carrying the newest Camden heir. That's cool." I roll my eyes, and turn to Tate. "Guys, right?"

"Oh my god, I love her." Tate laughs to Luke. "And you two are enemies because...?"

"Our parents murdered each other gruesomely." I deadpan, daring Tate not to laugh, but a giggle squeaks out of me anyways. "Mum and Dad are probably rolling around in their grave right now. Marrying their enemies kin. My lord, what have I gotten into."

Tate barks out a harsh laugh, and I clap my hands.

"So! What am I here for again?" I turn my head the slightest bit.

"Cake tasting." She grins. "There are perks to your fake marriage."

"Cakes!" I exclaim. "What flavor do you like best, Luke?"

"Luke?" Tate grins. "What's with the nickname?"

"Hmm?" I ask as I link my arm through hers and walk in towards the palace. "I called him Luke once and it just kind of stuck, I guess. He doesn't really look like a Lukas to me. Too fancy for him."

"Hey!" Luke shouts, and I can hear the smile in his voice.

"Really? Too fancy? We must know two different Lukas's." Tate laughs.

"You know a Lukas, I know a Luke." I correct her as we enter the dining room. "Now, taste buds prepared, everyone?"

"You know it." Luke comes up beside me and flashes a charming smile, making me blush and look away.

"Right... let's get to it, then."


An hour later, we're stuffed full of cake samples, and Luke turns to me with his perfect posture.

"What did you think, Valentina?" He asks me.

"I really liked the lemon cake." I sigh, dreamily imagining getting to actually cut a wedding cake and feed-

Woah. Where did that come from?

"Great. Lemon cake it is then." He agrees.

"Don't you want a vote?" I frown.

"I'll eat whatever; I'm the one who stole this opportunity from you anyways." He looks away.

"What? Opportunity?" I ask, not remembering anything of the sort.

"Love. A real wedding." He looks almost sad for me, guilty that he'd stolen something from me.

"Luke, this wedding will be as real as it gets." I shake my head, taking his hand to reassure him, feeling a little bad myself now. "Now you just have to propose."

I wink a him, and he blushes a little. He get's flustered so easily, the dust of freckles standing out in the flush. I'm glad I was able to steer his mind away from the guilt, but the way he reddens I think I steered him in another unnecessary thought.

"I'm getting to it." He nods seriously, and I roll my eyes, grinning.

"That last attempt didn't end so well." I smirk.

"Didn't end so well? You had your tongue down my throat, I don't know why the complaint." I watch as his grin grows smug.

"Oh my goodness..." I glance around at the soldiers in the room. "You realize we're not alone in here, right?"

"And? Do you guys care?" Luke glances around at them.

They say nothing, all averting eye contact as they keep their posts, some of them turning the smallest bit ruddy.

"Seems like we're good." He kisses my cheek. "People don't see kings and queens as romantic people, but I really do beg to differ.. it's much more interesting with forced proximity."

"That's not what this is," I shake my head. "I chose to marry you for the sake of our kingdoms, no one forced me."

"You didn't really have a choice..."

"And yet I didn't look for another, did I?" I smile. "If I was so repulsed, I would have found another suitor from a different kingdom."

"All the other kings are three times your age." Luke wrinkles his nose.

"Hey, you never know, I could have married your brother." I laugh, and he looks horrified at this thought.

"Adler would never marry you," He laughs.

"Oh? Why not?" I counter.

"He's much too alike you. Always so opiniated, what he says goes, and he doesn't take crap from anyone. There's no way you two would work." Luke snorts.

"I kind of second that now that I hear your perspective on it... what makes us work, then?" I raise a brow, wondering how it's different. "We can't be too much different from what you just described."

"The fact that I'll do whatever you ask of me. You're my queen." He grins, and my heart flutters at the thought.

And what he says is true; he would do anything for me. It makes my heart soar, only for my mind to demolish the thought without mercy. We're nothing but business partners, and it's all we'll ever be. No touches, no looks, no kisses that set my skin on fire could change that.

But... even so.

Every promise, every cocky grin, every secret of his are all coming to light, and I hate that I'm loving how comfortable it's becoming.

My parents would be rolling over in their graves if they knew about the way my heart flutters when he calls me that.

Not his girl, not his fiancée, not his nemesis.

His queen.

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