Valentina: 16

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"Why not?" Luke grins.

"I can't dance..." I drawl, laughing.

"Doesn't matter, come on." He pulls me up, and I stand, taking him in.

"We're going to dance like this?" I raise an eyebrow.

"What's wrong with our outfits?" Luke asks, looking down.

"You're literally shirtless with plaid pajama pants, and I'm wearing a tank top and shorts." I groan. "We can't dance like this."

"I don't see a reason why we can't." He grins, and puts my hands on his shoulders, taking my waist. "See, it's easy."

"Easy.." I mutter, "We're moving around in circles step by step. Of course it's going to be easy."

"Was that a challenge?" He asks.

I'm about to respond, when he spins me, and I gasp.

"Woah!" I exclaim, back in his arms after twirling. "That wasn't meant to be a challenge-"

I get cut off by another series of spins and twirls, Luke gliding me all across the room.

"See? Isn't this fun?" He laughs at my dizzy expression.

"Fun." I say sarcastically, although I think he knows I'm loving every second of it.

A series of firework sounds interrupt Luke's moment, and his eyes light up when he sees the colorful display through the window.

"We should go see the fireworks! It's a great summer night for that!" He exclaims, digging through his suitcase until he finds a pair of hoodies.

He pulls a blue one over his head, and tosses me a grey hoodie. I hold it out in front of me, and see 'Fjiotila Hockey Association', with Luke's name embroidered on the side of the sleeve.

"You played hockey?" I ask as I pull it over my head.

"Yes, and before you ask, it wasn't a brag, it was the only hoodie I had that would fit you. I wasn't very good at it. Tripped over my own feet. But being part of a team was fun." He says.

"I imagine it would be." I nod, feeling the warmth the clothing has enveloped me in, along with Luke's smell.

"Don't sniff it." Luke picks up on what I'm doing, making me laugh. "Ready, My Queen?"

He squats down with his arms behind him, and I laugh, climbing onto his back.

"Let's go." I beam.

Once we're out of the castle, it's a nice quiet walk down to the resort the fireworks are coming from.

"I hope we don't get there and miss it." Luke frowns, and my heart flutters at how cute he's being about some silly fireworks.

"We won't; they have fireworks, every Sunday until the morning. Nonstop." I roll my eyes. "It could be considered obnoxious, but I'm thankful for it tonight."

"Great." He walks a few more paces, until he lets you down tentatively.

"Oh, sorry, I was too heavy, wasn't I?" I bite my lip, feeling bad for making him carry me.

"What?" His head snaps up. "Sorry, no, you're super light, it's just..."

"Just...?" I frown.

"Your breath in my ear made feel like I might fall over." He mutters, red in the face, and I snort.

"That's why you put me down?" I laugh. "Sorry, that was my bad. We'll just walk side by side."

He composes himself again, takes my hand, and we keep walking until we see the resort.

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