Valentina: 20

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Luke looks like he's about to explode.

I internally giggle at the struggle he's having with letting himself give in to what he wants, so I press a soft kiss to his lips.

"Come on. Disrespect me for a minute, forget about honor of duty, or whatever kings live by for a minute." I give him a smug smile. "Touch."

Luke's face turns absolutely crimson. I could mistake that for a sunburn, truly. But he doesn't argue this time, and I'm glad of it.

"Is... is this alright? Am I hurting you?" He glances up while his fingers cup my chest, squeezing them upwards a bit.

"No, you're not." I reply, nodding. "Harder. Better. Whatever you want to do."

"Whatever?" He squeaks.

Honestly. It's like you never gave the man any toys as a child. How can someone be this pure, this innocent and naive that he has to physically struggle to grope a woman after she asks for it?

"Oh for goodness sakes." I groan, knowing he doesn't know what to do next. "I'll tell you what to do, yeah?"


"Good." I don't wait for his hesitation. "Firstly, harder."

"Are you sure I won't-"

"You won't hurt me, Luke, and if you do I would tell you." I mutter.

"O-okay." He nods, unmeeting my eye as he grips me harder, in slow massaging waves.

"Mmm. That feels good..." I put my hands on his shoulders to support myself. "Harder."

It's not some sort of sexual desire that I have, please don't mistake any of this for that. It's just that I want to show Luke what lov-

What affection is like.

His fingers massage deeper, caressing my skin to knead it between his thumbs. He leans down, and much to my surprise, kisses my collarbone. And then my neck, and my shoulder, and a trail all the way down to the side of my chest. He sucks on the plush skin softly, pulling me closer on his lap as I let out a small whimper. Giving no room to breathe, he moves his sucking to the other breast, and my heart pounds against his mouth as it rolls its teeth and tongue against the raw flesh.

"Am I really the one who needs to be taught, my queen?" He smirks against my chest, mocking me.

"Well, for one, you certainly know how to turn off a woman." I scowl at this comment, sliding off of his lap.

"Oh come- Valentina, I'm sorry, I was kidding..." He chuckles as I grab my purse from the corner of the room, grabbing my wrist. "Oh, don't go.."

"Thanks for this, but I'm going to go and see a friend now." I nod at him, reaching for my phone.

His hand darts out and sticks it in his pants.

"Are you f- Luke!" I growl. "Give it to me."

"You'll have to get it, hon." He winks. "Unless you're truly as inexperienced as I-"

I pull the front of his pants open with one hand, and plunge the other in to grab my phone.

It's hard to tell which is which, between my phone and...

"Got it." Ignore the other thing, ignore the other thing. "Bye."

"Okay, first of all, I'm honestly kind of impressed by that show of.. whatever." Luke blocks the door as he nods, chuckling. "And second, you're not going anywhere."

"And why the h-"

"Because you're dressed like- like a stripper!" He exclaims. "You ain't meeting any friend in that outfit."

"Oh, we're playing dress up now? Guess what? I don't care. I'm leaving." I scoff.

Luke's eyes seem to light up at this comment.

"That's a great idea. You can be my little doll." He smirks, reaching out to grab my waist when I smack it away.

"What does that mean?" I have an uneasy feeling.

"You'll see, love." He nods, picking me up with my legs straddling his waist from the front, and I'm almost positive my phone is still in the front of his pants if I wasn't holding it.

"Er- sorry, just ignore that." He nods, blushing as he takes me downstairs.

"Why are you carrying me?"

"Because I can see your breasts through your shirt." He scowls at me before stopping at the room I met his sisters Elodie and Louisia. "And I'll be damned if anyone but me sees that gorgeous sight."

His possessive protectiveness makes me absolutely swoon.

Luke shoves us inside before anyone can catch sight of me, and locks the door behind us.

"What if they already have?" I raise a brow, folding my arms only to prop up my assets more.

"Doesn't matter, because they won't be seeing these stunning things again." He presses a kiss just where they start to dip, and turns me to the rest of the room. "Today, you get to be my little doll."

"Were you deprived of fun as a child?" I mutter, and he only barks out a laugh before going to the closets.

I try to join him, but he points backwards.

"Ah, ah, ah. You stay there. Dolls don't move, love." He sifts through the dresses.

I let out a huffy sigh, and he laughs again before coming back to me with dresses in approximately twenty minutes.

"Oh. My. Goodness, Luke. Are you finally done? That took freaking-"

He cuts me off with a sharp kiss, pulling my hair to force my mouth open, only to let his tongue slide in. I moan into his mouth, every thought evaporating from my brain.

"You were saying?" He raises a brow.

"Shut up.." I scoff, looking the other way.

"Good." Luke laughs, pulling me up. "I have dresses for you to wear."


"No time like the present, my queen." He nods, tying my hair into a topknot upon my head so that it is easier to get dressed.

"Alright, give me the-"

"A doll, remember? Dolls can't dress themselves." He smirks, pulling me against him to toy with my shirt collar.

"Wait wh-"

He drops to his knees, and puts his hand at the waist of my pants.

"Ready, love?" He kisses my thigh.

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