Lukas: 21

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I slither my fingers between her hips and the waistband of her pants, raising a brow for her approval. She stares down at me, breathing shallow and jagged as I leisurely slide the fabric down her soft skin, letting it puddle to the floor around her.

The only thing between us is now her red lingerie, and I have quite the feeling I should leave that for another time.

Valentina blushes hard, averting her eyes to everywhere but mine. I grip her chin and force her to look down at me, and her blushing continues as I trace the lines of her vitiligo along her thighs.

"Valentina..." I murmur, kissing the patches softly. "You are the most beautiful human I have ever seen."

"Luke, please don't say things you-"

"I mean my words, love. Every splash of pale skin across your body- it's like a white fox in the darkness of the moonlight. Ethereal, captivating, and absolutely ravishingly gorgeous." I slide my fingers up as I rise with them, looming over her to press a kiss to her flush lips. "Now what should I dress you in, hmm?"

"You enjoy this too much..." She attempts to roll her eyes but they end up lulling backwards into her skull from the way I suckle my lips to her neck patches.

"Agreed. My own little drug." I let out a harsh laugh. "Feisty, mischievous, and drop dead gorgeous."

In a moment, I pull the tank top off of her skin, leaving her bare in front of me. I can't help the blood that gushes through me when I see her blushing face; the image of an embarrassed and supposedly unfazed woman.

She looks far from unfazed now. The blush that overcomes her cheeks is too dark, and much too hot to be of anything else, and her hands fly up immediately to cover her chest.

"Is this alright, Valentina?" I ask her, careful and precise with my words. "If I go too far, so tell me. I will not be another idiot to harm you, there are too many of those of my blood."

The flushed woman coughs out a laugh.

"That's true." Her fingers slowly retreat from her chest, looking away as she does so. "You already felt me, I don't know why I'm embarrassed..."

But I do. It's because of the splashes of pale skin across her torso, like she was painted by the finest of artists themselves. A white rose unnecessary of red paint, for she is the queen to command such orders. So stunning it holds no joke in it at all. Anyone who might attempt to make a joke of it will immediately appear as though they are the jest themselves.

"Is this why you are ashamed? Because of these patches?" I scrunch my nose when she doesn't meet my eyes. "My sweet queen, I don't know what else to say to reassure you of your beauty. You're stunning. I could drop dead at the sight of you."


"Accept the damn compliment and move on, woman. I have a fiancée to adore." I smirk, and she flushes again.

It's a new thing, this whole blushing gig of hers. But the rosy dusting across her cheeks is something I hope will stick around for a while.

"Thank you."


"That's the one."

Valentina does a little twirl, showing the small slip of fabric with a scrunch in the bridge of her nose.

"Are you sure? It's a little short-"

"It's perfect. You're perfect. Are you aware of what induratize means, Valentina?" I ask her, coming behind the small queen's frame and squeezing her from behind as we stare at the ravishing sight of her.

"I can recite the first eighty two digits of pi, but-"



"You never miss a beat," I chuckle, pressing a kiss to the crevasse of her neck. "Alright, miss smarty pants. Would you perhaps like me to explain the definition of induratize?"

"Alright." She huffs, and it makes my lips mold into a beam as I smile into her smooth skin.

"It means for one's heart to be resistant to the idea or prospect of love. That was entirely my whole being before I met a woman." I explain, toying with the dainty strings along the side of her skin tight dress.

"A woman." Valentina parrots, appearing dumbstruck and self conscious as she folds unsettled arms over her stomach.

"Yes." I smirk. "A woman who gave me such a fascination with her entire being it was impossible for me to escape. Agastopia. Are you aware of that means?"

"I suppose not." Valentina grumbles, picking at a loose thread on her dress strap.

"It means to be in immeasurable admiration of one's body." I slither my hands slowly across her whole body, hugging her skin to skin. "Do you know who this woman is?"

Her eyes cast downwards, fluttering slowly.

"I suppose I don't; I had been told you had no other lovers besides mys-" 

"Because I don't. You are the woman. You're my woman." I take a step back from Valentina, spinning her posture from the mirror to face me. "I want you. So badly I can hardly breathe, and its truly a terrifying thing. Because I want to hate you. Because I want to despise every little breath you take, every smirk you attempt to hide, I want to despise it all. But most of all?"

Her face is in my hands now, and she looks like the entire world at my fingertips.

"Most of all?" Valentina whispers back to me.

"Most of all, I hate how deeply I fell in love with you."

All it takes is those words, and she's on her toes, lips feathering along mine like a tightrope in the air, a question of tension and begging.

Our bodies collide with the closet mirror as my tongue thrashes down her throat, her teeth biting my lips so hard I would be in no shock if I had bruises tomorrow. Her fingers yank through my hair, so hard it feels as though the hair follicles feel like they're struggling to hold on, and I repay the pleasure with a tough yank on a chunk of her hair. I would be worried it hurt her, but the sweetest moan erupts from her mouth, growling down my chest as I rock my body against hers with enough force she lets out a yelp.

"I love you!" She screams gutturally as I slam harder against her body.

And I pull away, with a look of hatred on her face for doing so until I drop to my knees.

Correction; my one knee.

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