Valentina: 22

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"What- Luke, what are you-" I stumble backwards, knocking into the mirror he just had me pinned against.

He's on his knee. Rummaging- through a pocket.

Oh. Dear. Lord.

His hair tousles in just the right way when he raises his face to make my heart plummet into my stomach and fly into my throat. 

A black box. His slender fingers opening it. Diamonds everywhere.

"Please don't cry," He smiles softly, eyes getting wet as well. "You'll make me cry at how beautiful you are when you tear up."

The words are lodged in my throat, to tell him that this is all I've wanted. That he is the most kind, handsome human I've ever met. That I love him more than I hate anything in the universe, even losing my parents. All I can do is cry, like a child. But for once in my life, I don't hate going back to that part of me, because Luke is right there too.

"Valentina Quartz Lianne Calliweld," He takes my hand in his, egging me closer to him as I obey.

"How do you know my full name?" My voice breaks as I get the words out.

"I looked at your family tapestries. Not the point." He chuckles, rubbing soft circles into my palm. "You know I love you."

"Mhm..." All I can say.

I think I'm an idiot.

"And I hope you love me?" Luke smirks, prompting me to go as this was supposed to.

I am an idiot.

"Er- yes, of course, I-"

"I'm just playing with you." He snorts, then lets his face mold into a serious facade. "But in all seriousness, I love you. So much of you takes up my brain every moment you are and aren't around. Your scent, your taste, your voice in my head. And I want every piece of it, with your agreement. Forget about every alliance, every bad blood, every time you wanted to skin me alive. Tell me truly; do you hate me?"

I don't have to think about this in order to respond.

"No." I sob, crouching down to his level so we're at the same height. "Not at all. It's your breathing, it's your eyes, it's your heartbeat. Erratic, electrical, and it makes me lose every thought I've ever had. I've never felt more important to someone, not even when I became queen of a kingdom, and I want to thank you for it for every day of our lives. I love you."

"Well, then." Luke's eyes tease mine, as he leans closer. "One thing left. Are you ready?"

"I've had a long time to be, but I don't think so," I sniffle, and straighten to meet his gaze. "But please go on."

"Ever lacking delicacy, my queen." He smiles, sliding the ring onto my finger as he speaks because he already knows what I'll say. "Will you marry me?"


"No- porcelain white, not eggshell! This- it's all wrong!"

Wedding planning has made Luke the most unbearable person to be around.

"Hey- it's alright. Don't yell at the workers," I sidle up next to him, latching onto his arm and taking the color palette he has displayed. "Why don't we go with something warmer? Like a yellowish white, but so you almost can't tell the yellow..." 

He spins around to face me, surprised I was able to make an entrance with all of the commotion at my end of the kingdoms.

"You're here..." He tugs me to the back of the stained glass color splashed church, nuzzling into my side. "I was starting to get stressed having to be the bossy one for once."

"I am not bossy!" I gasp, and he gives me a smirky smile before touching a kiss to my cheek.

"Yes, you are, my queen. Part of why I love you." He chuckles, pushing me forward down the middle aisle of the church before taking a seat. "Go lead them in the correct direction."

I roll my eyes, but hike up my gown and march with firmness towards the decorating committee. They all stare at me with scared eyes, probably imagining me to be ten times worse Luke, and the thought makes me giggle internally.

"This all looks great, guys." I smile up at the lace decorations. "But could we maybe set it up in a different shade of white? I know chiffon is a bit much, but frost or snow white have nice tones to them if you think about it..."

"It's not what you wanted!" 

Confused, I turn around to see Luke lounged at the back of the church on the benches, feet raised onto the one afront of him, shouting out at me.

"What are you talking about?" I call back.

"It's not what you want, frost nor snow white. What you wanted was something warmer, remember?" He recalls.

"Oh, its just a wedding, any shade works." I shrug, because this occasion is not ours; it is the kingdoms.

Luke hops off of his bench and comes bounding over to me, snaking an arm around my waist with precision that makes my guard falter for a moment.

"This is not just any wedding, Valentina. This is our wedding. And we only get one shot at it; we can't get a divorce. It's just not permitted. So if we're stuck with each other, lets at least make this a day to remember, hmm?" He murmurs onto my lips with his. "I want you to have at least this moment if every other part of your life is ruled over by the crowns on our heads. You deserve a wedding to your standard just as much as any other bride, if not more considering all of the hard work you've done for the kingdom your entire life."

His words make my heart melt, and if he keeps at it, I'll be wrapped around his finger before we even get to the wedding.

Without waiting my response, he presses a sweet kiss to my lips, not greedy and needing like the others, but just kind and warm. Like a fairytale romance, not enemies with benefits. Like something any village girl would read about a swoon over, a teenage romance of the century. 

"So," Luke grins. "How does daisy white sound, my queen?"

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