Lukas: 2

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I went to see Annalise, and exactly like Tate said, she was a mess. She has her own living quarters in our castle, as she was about to wed with my brother. As I stood outside her bedroom door, I could hear her weak sniffles. I immediately felt bad for anything I had said about her, and knocked on the door.

A squeak sounded, ever so daintily, and a scurry of footsteps to the door. It cracked open, and Annalise's freckled face emerged from the split. Her skin was clear and smooth as usual, but red circles rimmed her eyes, and her hair was slung over her shoulders, which was rare for her, considering how long and heavy it was. She usually had it up, or even just tied back, but today, the worn duchess couldn't be bothered.

Her light brown eyes grew at my presence, and she opened the door quickly, curtseying.

"Your highness, a pleasure as usual..." She coughs delicately into her elbow.

Without a word, I hug her, and laugh as she squeaks again.

"I'm so sorry, Annalise. This is the hardest on you. Sure, Porter was my brother, but you and him had something special that couldn't compare to any of us. I was reminded of it every day he looked at you, just something of love and desire that no family member could compete with." I tell her sadly, and she slowly breaks down into tears.

"Th-thank you..." She cries. "I'm so lost without him here. I was about to have everything I had dreamed of. An incredible husband, a marvelous family, and a whole new life. I lost everything."

She sobs, and the reality hits me; she does have to return to her kingdom if she is not to be wedded to our family. That must be miserable to know what you could have had gone in just the length of a carriage ride. One wrong move and it's over.

"Hey, hey, no, you haven't lost everything. I'm not going to say there are other fish, or something else to make me sound like an imbecile, but you will get through this. I know, that in twenty years time, you'll be happy. Porter's passing was quite a fork in the road, of course, but with a person as wonderful as you, it won't matter which path you take. You'll end up happy. I know it's hard right now. You don't know how many times I've thought I was going to wake up at any moment, that it's all a dream. I'll accept it one day, but I'm still grieving. And I know you're doing the same." I rub her back as she hiccups. "It's going to get easier getting out of bed in the morning. Going on normally. Saying his name. I promise."

"I don't know what to do in the meantime, your highness." She shakes her head up at me.

"It's Lukas. We're as good as siblings now. Married into the family or not." I say. "And you don't have to do anything. It's okay to grieve; I know that's what I'll be doing. Or pretending not to be, I suppose."

"What do you mean?" She asks, and I shake my head.

"With William's disappearance, I have to step up to be the new king of Fjiotila. And soon. That bastard knew he couldn't be king, so he ran off." I shake my head. "They're going to attempt to coronate me as soon as possible, and I just can't help but wish for a little more time."

"Oh, Lukas." Annalise sighs. "I'm so sorry. William was never the most... reliable, was he?"

"No." I concur. "Selfless, but not reliable. And those should go hand in hand, wouldn't you agree?"

"Yes..." She says. "Well, the monarchy has been quite understanding of my situation, and they have agreed to let me stay in my living quarters for the next few months or so. I have unfinished business with the wedding plans I must cancel, and other undertakings I have yet to figure out with P-.. Porter gone." She sniffles.

"Well, I'm here without fail, so please do feel free to talk to me about anything. I really do wish you the best recovery from this." I nod, and she smiles sadly at me.

"Thank you, Lukas." She gives me a final hug. "You really are a great person. You'll make an exceptional king."

"Bless your kind heart, Annalise." I squeeze her, and then step away. "Until the funeral."

"See you then." She smiles, and I turn away.


I should have brought more tissues; it's a chain reaction in here. One person sobs, and the rest start falling apart like dominoes.

I stay dutifully at Annalise's side, not wanting her to feel uncomfortable with strangers telling her about their condolences. I've had enough of that already.

But the woman goes on like a waterfall. Just when you think she's got no more tears left to give, there's just another round waiting behind those caramel eyes. Her tear ducts are working insanely hard, I must imagine.

I cry too, naturally. It just hasn't exactly hit me that I'll never see my father or brother again. Porter was such a great brother, and it's upsetting that he was the first one to go. I cry for the leadership Porter always dreamed of, going on and on about how he would turn this kingdom around when he was king. I cry for the life that Annalise could have had, but so awfully lost. I cry for the father figure I looked up to, the person who was always by my side, even when I was in the wrong. I cry for my younger siblings, who lost a brother and a father, and now I'm who they have to look up to. I cry for all of these people, who have lost something so special in so little time.

And last, I cry for myself. For the responsibility I never wanted but got anyways, and the opportunity it feels like I stole from my brother. For the fact that I have to step up for my younger siblings, Annalise, the kingdom... it's too much to undertake in just a week.

I feel a tug on my hand as Annalise and I stare into Porter's coffin, her tears hitting the glass that holds their love apart. His pale face, the last time she'll see him.

I turn and look up to her, and she shakes her head, body racking with sobs.

"I'm sorry, Lukas, I just can't do it. I really want t-to, but... I can't see him like this. Knowing what he could have been." She traces her hand over the coffin.

"I get it. Take your time. He's not going anywhere." I nod as she smiles miserably, walking out of the room, handkerchief in hand.

"Your highness?" A deep voice is behind me.

"Yes?" I turn around to find the duke with a solemn expression.

"I do hate to bring more issue into your orbit, but we have a new problem we find you might be the solution to." He says.

"Alright. I'll here of it."

I need to get out of here.

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