Valentina: 8

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"I don't get it, why are we doing this whole shoot if we're supposedly in love? Shouldn't that be enough?" I scoff, which turns into a choke as my maid, Nina, tightens my corset.

"You actually think we're going to get him to do a romantic little proposal, where it's just the two of you, with him down on one knee, you tearing up, without the press knowing?" Duchess Antoinette raises a brow. "I thought I taught you better than that, girl."

When we're alone, Duchess Antoinette is one of the country swine. She doesn't bother putting up with the British accent when you get her alone, and just goes straight into her Alabama roots. It's terrifying how uncivilized she gets if you let her have a drink too many.

"My parents raised me until I was thirteen, Antoinette. I had a childhood." I roll my eyes as the maid chokes me with another aggressive yank. "Hurk- and there won't be any tears."

"Yes, there will!" The Duchess whips out a lipstick.

"Eh?" I scrutinize.

"It's used in movies, makes you cry? You just put it under your eye and start crying." She looks proud of the object she obtained.

"This just got a lot more fake." I sigh.

What in his right mind would cause Luke to decide to propose today? It's been four weeks since the whole ordeal started! It's too soon! I was expecting two months at the least.

"Okay, fine. I'll be there." I say, hunched over like a rag doll as I've given up fighting Nina's jerking, and let my organs get squished.

If this does permanent damage, I'll know who to blame.


"What's the deal with the full coverage?" Luke raises an eyebrow.

"Well, would you look at that." I grin. "I taught a king how to talk like a regular citizen."

"No you didn't-" It dawns on his face. "Wait... I suppose you did! How did you do that?"

"Infectious, I suppose." I laugh, but it turns into a choking wheeze.

I hack and cough, and Luke steps forward to help me stand straight.

"Woah, are you okay?" He rubs my back.

No, thanks to that maid. They made me wear this damn hot dress too; it's got full coverage up to a turtle neck. They were trying to hide my vitiligo. They say it doesn't matter, but it does, in their eyes. The dress is even yellow. Yellow! That's offensive. I'm clearly not a spring palette. More like a winter or autumn.

An entire camera crew is here, in front of the Fjiotilian courtyard. This might be the saddest place to be proposed to, in my opinion. It's just green grass and stunning architecture. Stunning, but not exactly romantic. I still had a bit of hope that marriage could turn my happiness around, but I guess this is the end. My life is solely to serve my kingdom.

"God, Luke, this is so damn hot." I pull the collar of the turtleneck away from my neck.

"This outfit is ridiculous." He says.

"Hey." I slap him, but he shakes his head.

"It is, and you know it. You can't breathe because of how tight this is! It's insane." He gives me a look.


He looks determined to take matters into his own hands, and calls over to the camera crew.

"We'll be back soon!"

He leads me through a series of corridors, until he finds a two young blonde girls sifting through dresses in a room.

"Elodie, Louisia, this is my... well, arranged fiancée, I suppose. Those maids at her palace gave her this... dress, if you can call it, and-"

"Oooh, you're the fiancée we've been hearing about? You are gorgeous! How did Lukas land you?" The one with freckles, I'm assuming is Elodie, frowns. "But yeah, the dress is kind of suppressing the beauty.

"It sucks." I growl. "This thing is so damn-"

I erupt in a coughing fit again, and I can't stop this time. It's getting hard to breathe, and I feel Luke's fingers brush over the small of my back as he yanks the piece of ribbon holding the dress together.

The corset falls to the ground, and I take in a heavy breath of relief.

"Ohhh my gods, bless your heart, Luke." I pant.

"No problem." I look up, but his red face doesn't turn in my direction. "So, beloved sisters, I was hoping you could find something of this closet to use."

The girls look at one another with excited smiles, and a knowing look I don't know how to read into.

"Alright, we'll dress her, but you wait out in the hall." The other twin with green eyes, Louisia ushers Luke out. "Give us a minute!"

She turns around with her hands clasped together with excitement.

"Elodie, this is her. The one." She squeals.

"You read my mind, sister!" Elodie cups her palms around her full cheeks. "She is the one."

"Okay, not to be weird, but it kind of already is, so I gotta ask... what is happening?" I probably have an odd expression on my face.

"This is our mothers closet. Lukas keeps her very close at heart, ever since she was exiled long ago, and the only people he lets wear her dresses are us. So you must really be special!" Elodie beams. "And Lukas needs it. You're his first real relationship... like ever."

My heart might die on the spot.

"Really?" I try not to sound too intrigued. "That's... new information."

"Have you read any of the articles and newspapers around town? They're saying you're the special lady who took the most handsome eligible bachelor off the market." Louisia sifts through racks of gowns. "This one could be something!"

"Wait wait wait wait. He's never dated anyone? Never had a girlfriend? With a face like his?" I scoff. "You're joking."

"I wish." Elodie nods before nodding at Louisia. "Yes. Perfect."

"Wait so why is he so-"

Before they can respond, I'm dragged behind a changing screen with a dress and heels.

"Let us know when you're changed, and if that's the one, then we'll get you dolled up with hair and makeup too." Louisia calls from in front of it.

I look down at the dress and smile, knowing they chose the dress for a reason.

It fits my winter and autumn palette, it's not too hot, and what makes me smile most of all, is that there is no covering my vitiligo with it.

And I like it that way. Just like my persona, nothing to hide.

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