Lukas: 25

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"Cold feet?" Adler ribs me.

"Shut the h-"

"Hey, hey. Just a joke." He looks genuinely surprised at my anger. "What's up with you?"

"None of your business, best man." I scowl. "Just remember your place today, hmm?"

"Best man or not, I'm your twin brother. Fraternal, and we're not close, but you could grace me with some of that charismatic kindness once in a while, don't you think, your majesty?" He glares. "It's your wedding day. Why do you look like you're being lead to the gallows?"

"Maybe I am." I mutter under my breath, and it echoes through the large dining hall.

A cut off gasp sounds from behind me, and I find Valentina standing at the doorway with a livid expression.

"So it really is torture for you you to marry me." She glowers.

"Valentina." I acknowledge her presence but barely bat an eye as she sits down at the dining table.

"Did something happen here?" Adler's dark hair sweeps in front of his eyes. "I know I've never really met you, Valentina, but I-"

"Oh, so this is the famous twin brother." Valentina hums as the Maître D' brings her breakfast. "I am told you're quite the character from all I've heard."

"Um. What? You heard about me from Lukas?"

"Just things like I would be much better with someone like you. Opinionated." She nonchalantly shrugs.

"Are you-" He whips to me. "Why the hell would you say that to your fiancée?"

"Because it's the truth." I give them black looks as I push back my chair. "Snakes deserve snakes."

"Well then, aren't we perfect for each other, hmm Lukas?" Valentina sweetly smiles with a sharpness to ger voice.

Such a beautiful viper.


"Still mad." Adler hands me the neck tie.

"Still don't care." I retaliate, earning me a scoff.

"Still think you were rude to your fiancée."

"Still think she would have been better off with anyone else." 

"Why do you do this to yourself?" He explodes. "Detonating any chance you find at happiness, when you know damn well it's hurting the opposing side too?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." 

"With becoming king. You hated every bit of it, when really, you could have held your head high instead of cowering away from the people, giving them no hope at all. With William. Not even sending out search troops for your own brother, no matter how much Tate begged you to. I know she did, I heard you two arguing about it." He demands an explanation with his statements. "And now with Valentina, holding so much of a grudge against her for something that you won't even stop to consider how she might have just wanted you to reassure her doubts instead of turning on her when they revealed themselves?"

"Her doubts aren't-"

"I'm in no place to question your marriage, Lukas. Just think about every angle from each lens and ask yourself how much is for the better and how much is self sabotage." 

And at that, he walks out of the dressing room.

Self sabotage is a terrible thing I live with, but I'd rather not start something than be devastated and humiliated by the outcome, terrible as it may sound.

My heart was unattainable. I figured one day I would marry for my country, and I suppose that's what I'm doing. 

But it just doesn't feel that way.

We waited until we were ready. We were intimate and affectionate. We were trusting.

At least I thought we were all of those things. But maybe Valentina won't ever be ready, and as hatred is winning over love currently, it's scary to think that I would wholeheartedly wait for her until she is.

After all, hate and love both have four letters. Who's to say you can't have a hand in both?


A knock sounds on my bedroom chamber doors, and I step forward to open it.

Duchess Annalise stands, prim and proper as a young lady needn't be in this day and age, looking much better after the past multiple months since the funeral. Not by great amounts, but the help our family gave her seemed to lighten the burdens and assist her in healing a little at least.

"Hello, Lukas." She smiles timidly. "Are you prepared for your wedding?"

"I suppose so. Won't you come inside, Annalise? I may need a pep talk before all of this ordeals works itself out." I open the door wider, and she appreciatively nods before taking a seat at the plush chair afront the coffee table I have set up. 

"What pep talk would you of all people need, Luke? You became king in a heartbeat, and still stand as one of the strongest rulers with your acts of dominance in ruling us correctly. I am positive marrying the queen of Braillenstair is harder than all of that." She chuckles.

"You would think so until you actually spent time planning a wedding with the woman." I snort. 

"Whatever the matter is, surely it is nothing that can't be fixed by a fine glass of Dom Perignon, hmm?" I watch as she pours a glass for me, barely covering the bottom of the crystal glassware.

"Is that it?" I snort, and she blushes.

"I do apologize, but your wedding is in- oh goodness, half an hour!" She exclaims, rising from her seat and extending her hand to me. "We must leave for the ceremony!"

"We still have ti-"

Annalise gives me a look, and I shut my mouth.

"The ceremony it is, duchess."


My palms are sweating.

I think the entirety of me is sweating.

This is the exact church I was coronated in, the one where Valentina first approached me and it was hate at first sight.

And now we're getting married here.

I apologized to Adler about telling Valentina those things, and all other sorts earlier, so we worked it out. He smirks at my sweaty palms, and my heart thuds in its cage when the flower girls walk down the aisle with their flower petals.

Roses and daisies.

Just like everywhere else in this room. Valentina must have added a side note to the designers that she wanted the mix of flowers, and it truly paid off.

And me...

My black suit is adorned with a blood red rose in the pocket, a symbol of how I carry a piece of Valentina in the back of my mind wherever I go.

And when the doors sweep open for her...

"Please rise for the bride."

I always thought she looked gorgeous in blacks, or reds. But the angelic aura that enraptures her today is nothing compared to anything I've ever seen on her. 

I remember what I thought that first time she came through those church doors for my coronation. How flustered she looked, how stunning those splashes of stardust amongst her skin looked in the sunlight, how goddamn starstruck I was because of those deep searching trenches for eyes. 

I love her. I love her not.

She hates me. She hates me not.

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