Lukas: 13

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"I'm... but.. please, I need to see her..." I try to plead my case with the nurse, but she ignores me and fills out paperwork.

"Sorry sir, but only family until the patient wakes and confirms that she knows you and are allowed in here." She shakes her head.

"Please... I'm family." I blurt.

She raises an eyebrow.

"I know, I know, we don't look alike, but I'm her husband. We're married!" I say, hoping that this old woman isn't caught up with the drama around Valentina and I.

"Why didn't you start with that?" She nods, "Go on in."

"Thank you."

I enter her room, and it smells like every other hospital; bleach and rubbing alcohol.

"Valentina!" I see her in the bed, asleep, and I kneel down next to the bed.

"L-Luke?" She stir, coughing. "O-oh. Hey."

"Are you okay?! Who did this to you?!" I take her hand and stare horrifiedly at her scars and stitches.

"It's..." Valentina closes her eyes, looking tired. "I didn't see who was attacking me, they were shooting from the bushes."

"Honestly..." I hold up my two fingers. "How many?"


"Yes, really, answer the question." I begin to panic.

"Two." Valentina rolls her eyes.

"Good." I let out a relieved sigh.

"What's that you have?" She notices the pot I've been carrying.

"Oh- oh, this. I would have brought you a bouquet, but I remember how you hated them, and I thought... well, there are daisy and rose seeds in this pot, and I thought that once they started growing you could transfer them to your castle grounds... or not, like, whatever you want is fine..." I blush and place them on the coffee table. "Whatever, it's not a big deal."

When I look back up at Valentina, tears are streaming down her face, and I jump up.

"Does something hurt? Are you okay?" I wipe away her tears with a tissue, but give up because they keep coming. "Talk to me, Valentina."

"Come sit." She scoots over, and I'm hesitant to touch her, but obey her wish. "Luke... I'm in a lot of pain but I'm almost glad I got hurt."

"That makes one of us," I crack my knuckles. "When I find out who did this, I'm going to make sure they never see the light of day again."

She ignores me, and grabs my arm, resting her head on my bicep.

"Honestly, if I hadn't gotten hurt, you wouldn't have brought me the flowers." She sniffles. "I'm not crying just for the flowers, but you remembered I hated bouquets. You remembered what we had said about roses and daisies. And you thought I should put them in my home. It's just... as far as arranged marriages go, this is probably not the worst scenario I could have ended up in."

"Hey, I'm sorry that you got hurt on my account.." I say. "This shouldn't have happened to you of all people."

"Luke..." She squeezes my hand. "What did you say before they took me away? I lost consciousness before I could hear what you last said."

"I said I'm sorry. For being so cold. I realize now that I can't help but realize what an idiot I've been. Pushing you away, then begging for your forgiveness. Letting you in, and wondering if there was a bigger picture to your actions. I'm sorry I don't give you the benefit of the doubt, as much as we're enemies, and I'm sorry that I overlooked who you really are." I trace circles in her palm with my thumb.

"Who I really am?" Valentina asks. "Tell me, Luke."

"You're elysian, inside and out. I wondered why, when I first saw you at my coronation, why you were so gorgeous, and more so, why I couldn't take my eyes off of you. I figured out why." I turn to her, facing the angel that sits in front of me. "It's because all of these things that people consider flaws are really your beauty. I may not be the love of your life, and you may not be mine, but I do love you for all of you, not just the fraction of yourself without flaws. I love you for all of your scars and splotches; they make you all the more beautiful than the other women I've ever seen. I love you, Valentina. I don't know in what sense, yet, but all I know is if you've managed to make it into my philophobia protected heart, I must be in love with you."

Valentina lets more tears stream down her cheeks, and she shakes with each sob.

"D-do you know how long I've waited to hear those words?" She cries even harder. "All I've ever wished for. Not for a family, not for beauty, just to know that someone loves me because of my scars, not despite them."

"I'm here, Valentina." I kiss her forehead. "Your scars are what make you beautiful, don't ever forget that."

"Thank you. I can't..." She blows out a sigh. "I can't believe I found love through what was supposed to be hatred. Mum and Dad must be rolling over in their graves, but I can't bring myself to care."

"W-wait. You love me...?" I ask, and she laughs a sad laugh.

"You're right, I don't know what kind of love it is, but I do love you. I've been waiting for you all my life. You're finally here." She cries again.

"I'm finally here." I nod, and lift her free hand to my mouth.

She sighs at my kiss, and finally stops sobbing, relieving herself of the pain.

"Luke... thank you. For telling me what I needed to hear. For making me feel beautiful. For being my first love."

"Valentina, if things go well, I hope I'm also your last."

"What does that mean?" Her eyes widen.

"I'm not too sure, let's play it by year?" I suggest.

"Sounds good." She laughs, and I kiss her knuckles again. "You're doing it wrong."

"Huh?" I ask, confused. "What am I doing wrong? Sorry, I'm not very experienced when it comes to this kind of thing-"

Valentina grabs my collar and pulls me into a slow, demanding kiss. When she releases me, we're both out of breath from the gesture.

"What was that for?" I grin.

"Playing it by ear, right?"

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