Valentina: 3

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"A war? Across the nine kingdoms?" I frown. "Should we be worried?"

Duchess Antoinette scoffs out a laugh.

"Your Majesty, that is just absurd. We are the biggest kingdom with the most resources for the battlefield. This is wonderful news; it means we get our pick of allies." She grins a wicked smile.

This duchess seriously gets on my nerves sometimes. She comes up with great stuff in the end, but overconfident for my liking.

"That's not the issue we should be focusing on at the moment, Your Grace." I say with ice in my voice. "There are copious amounts of patients flooding our hospitals with no cures to their illnesses because of the last war combined with our lack of employees in the medical field. We must find a way to save these civilians first. We cannot enter another war with our citizens like this."

"Your Majesty, you are missing the point. Each kingdom has it's strengths and weaknesses, correct?" She clasps her hands together, and places them on the table where the rest of the monarchy watches us.

"You would be right." I nod, not seeing where she's getting with this.

"Fjiotila." She says, taking a brochure out of her pocket. "The kingdom known for it's incredible medical practitioners. They have found the remedies to eighteen diseases, and the cures to twenty two. But, in this war, they could be in trouble. They don't have the resources to go out onto a battlefield, much less an offensive army. They only have officers for a defensive army, and this could be bad for both of us."

"So you're suggesting..." I begin to connect the dots.

"That if we form an alliance between our kingdoms, we could join forces. Give our peoples the proper medical care they deserve, and save the Fjiotilians from certain doom. It's perfect, isn't it?" She claps, and the rest of the monarchy looks impressed with her.

"That's quite a proposition to the Fjiotilians..." I nod, and the monarchy goes silent in anticipation of my response. "I think this is a prominent scheme, Your Grace. I would very much like to see this come to life."

"Wonderful, thank you, Your Majesty. I have already contacted a duke from the Fjiotilian monarchy to discuss this with their to be king. I was thinking you could attend his coronation that's upcoming in a week's time. To discuss the matter with him." She says.

"That sounds lovely. Thank you for bringing this to me. Please communicate to me the arrangements for this coronation, and I will be in contact." I nod, and exit the conference room, my heavy gown dragging behind me as I exit. I despise this foolish green color. It makes me look like a blade of grass.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." The duchess calls from behind me, and I pretend not to hear.

It's easier that way.


A week doesn't take long to go by, and in it's time, I exit my horse drawn carriage to see the Fjiotila Palace. It's much more... dignified, and exquisite than the castle I tend to spend my boresome days in. Not quite as sturdy, or fit for a war, but it is quite bewitching. My long line of rulers before me, the Calliweld Dynasty, has led the empire of Braillenstair for as long as anyone has traced it back. So probably like two centuries. Yeah.

I fan out my ballgown; it's lacy black with blood red gems that compliment my dark brown hair. The gems match the jewels hanging from my ears, and the black gold tiara that sits among the braided bun my tresses are weaved into. I prefer this outfit much better compared to the unflattering green velvet dress I was complaining about a week ago. I'm not usually content nor confident about my appearance, due to my... deformations, but I feel as though today I am looking better than usual. Feeling better about my apparel, I pull my lace gloves onto my hands, and begin up the stairs with a guard who assists me with his arm.

"Queen Calliweld, was it? Rumor has it you're to ally with the Fjiotilians." He says, then coughs after a minute. "My apologies, Your Majesty, it was inappropriate to speak without your conveying."

"Inappropriate? You're a fine soldier with much more experience in life than I'll ever have, holed up in my castle. Why shouldn't you be free to talk when you would like?" I sigh. "People give royalty too much power these days. We're just the same as you, you know. Just with less experience in what really matters. Living life."

"Oh? How so?" The guard quirks an eyebrow up, intrigued by my lack of sophistication.

"Well, we really don't get out much, you know." I shake my head as he helps me up the staircase towards the palace. "I couldn't tell you the last time I'd been on a beach, or went to the farmer's market, or went partying in the middle of the night. Just things I know many of my ordinary peoples at my age would be doing. I love leading my kingdom, but it's quite repressing to my character as a person." I tell him as we go down an elegant hall in the palace.

"You really aren't what I thought you'd be." He cocks his head, flashing a grin.

"Well, I am seventeen at heart, so I suppose I am quite a bit more opinionated than the other kings and queens whom are in their late seventies." I laugh, a smile blooming from his kindness.

"I suppose so." He stops at a door at the end of the hall. "Well, Your Majesty, as beautiful as you look tonight, and as much as I would like to keep conversing with you, I do have to leave you here."

"Please call me Valentina. And come talk to me if you ever see me around again; I would be delighted to continue this lovely conversation we have had." I smile.

"My name is Luis. I would also like to pursue this discussion." He bows and kisses my hand like a gentleman, ever still doing his job. "Until next time, Valentina."

"You have been a wonderful escort, Luis. I'll put in a good word for you with the prince." I smile genuinely.

He grins, and turns away, leaving me in the hallway with dark velvet drapes hanging everywhere, and dim candles lit. A man carrying a scroll approaches me.

"And you would be Her Majesty Queen Valentina Calliweld of the Braillenstair Empire?" He nods to his list.

"That would be me, sir." I nod.

"Very well. I shall announce your arrival." He nods, never looking up from his scroll.

"Er- that's not necessary." I say, but he flings the massive oak doors open, and guides me forward, bellowing my arrival.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Her Majesty Queen Valentina Calliweld of the Braillenstair Empire!" He says in such a loud voice I probably visibly wince.

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