Lukas: 19

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Where on earth is William.

Don't get me wrong, I love my brother, but if I could right now? I'd probably choke some sense into him.

I know that Tate is having trouble paying bills, and I also know she will never accept money from any of us besides William himself, now that he's... gifted her with a child.

But as I hum and haw in the attic space, I can't help but think that I should be out there, searching for him. Is he really gone intentionally? Or was he kidnapped? There's no way anyone could not notice a kidnapping of the crown prince, but here we are...

The sun washes over me for what feels like the eightieth time today, and I groan, peeling off the thin white shirt that sticks to my skin. I toss it onto the lamp shade, fanning myself with a nearby magazine to cool down from the summer heat.


I spin around to see where the squeak has come from, and find Valentina is peeking through the wooden door of the attic.

"Oh, come on in." I nod, patting the empty space on the couch next to me.

She steps in, and instantly my cheeks heat at the beauty of her.

"What?" She blushes, sitting carefully down on the couch without making eye contact.

I reach out, just to tuck her hair behind her ear, making sure that this exquisite beauty is really here and not just a mirage in my mind. Her hair is let down and loose today, in natural silky waves, and she bears no crown, nor any jewels of the sort. Fingers, wrists, and neck all free of any accessories, and she sits completely undone in front of me in a tank top and shorts.

"Valentina..." I breathe, letting a finger trace down her neck. "Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. I would think other words if I could, but I'm a little starstruck right now."

"Thank you..." She only reddens harder, scooting away from me a little on the couch without meeting my eyes.

"Oh, no you don't." I chuckle, grasping her waist and scooping her onto my lap as she squeaks in protest.

"Luke! Let me go."

I trace lazy circles around her back, pressing a sloppy kiss to the nape of her neck.

"What if I don't want to?" I murmur against the soft skin.

She groans, but doesn't argue again, and after a minute, her hand finds mine. Interlacing and joined together, I grip her fingers tight because they are the only things that matter to me.

We sit there for a moment, and when Valentina decides to slide off of me, I don't keep her there. She sits close to me, thighs against thighs, leaning on my shoulder with our fingers still interlocked.

"Speaking of, why aren't you wearing a shirt?" She laughs, and I glance down at my chest to confirm this fact.

"It was too hot in here. I figured it would cool me down, but the second you stepped in here..." I glance down at her chest straining to keep in the thin excuse for a tank top, cheeks heating at the image of her large... assets.

"Why so cheesy today?" Valentina laughs, and her chest vibrates again, bouncing against my arm to make all the blood drain from my head.

"I- I don't- I just kind of.. there wasn't- I don't really-" I stammer, and she frowns.

"What's going on with you?" She scoffs, getting up in my face.

Normally I wouldn't mind, and it would be fine, but her chest is now firmly pressed against my bare chest in that thin little fabric, and I'm not entirely convinced she's wearing a brassiere.

"I- Valentina, please- back up..." I mutter, turning my head away completely in order to restrain myself from staring again.

When I glance back at her, she looks hurt, and just scoots to the other end of the couch, unmeeting my gaze.

"You could have just said so, Luke. Instead you pull me onto your lap and toy with me all the damn time, kissing my neck and making believe I'm worth something to you." She shakes her head, regretful and straining not to look pained.

"It's not that. Not that at all, Valentina, I- it's just that I don't know how to feel. I don't understand what I'm feeling- you're my first lover!" I struggle to get the words out of my mouth, and she hesitantly turns to me.

Good enough for now.

"What do you feel?" She tilts her head, round eyes fluttering at me as my heart thunders in my chest.

"Well, for starters, you shouldn't be walking around in this little thing..." I reach out to brush my hand along the strap of her top.

"What do you- does it bother you?" She asks, blinking in confusion.

"Only the feeling that comes with it. And the fact that you aren't wearing underwear beneath it." I drop my head.

"Oh my gods- Luke, I forgot about that until now, I am so sorry..." She moans, raking fingers through her hair exhaustedly.

"It's not a bad feeling, I'd just like to know what it is..." I glance down at her again, and my heart pounds so hard my rib cage might crack.

"Luke- oh my goodness." Valentina bursts into laughter, clutching her stomach. "You mean- you're stimulated?"


"Like, excited?" She raises a brow.

"I don't know what you mean..."

"Aroused, Luke! Are you aroused?" She exasperatedly groans. "You just had to make me say the damn thing."

"Is this what feeling aroused is like?" I blink, and she face palms herself.

"Okay, here." She grabs my wrist, and shoves my hand against her chest.

"What are you doing?!" I rip it away, but she places it there once again.

"What do you feel?" She asks, pushing my hand a little harder.

"I-" I can't think.

Not when her breasts are all I can feel, along with the thundering of my own heart. She smirks, taking notice of this effect she holds over me and takes a seat on my lap, moving my other hand to her chest now.

"Valentina- I can't-" A breath of winded air escapes me, and she cuts me off.

"Yes, you can." She finally removes her hands from my wrists, and I frantically drop mine from her. "Go on. Touch."


"Yes, touch."

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