Winter Wonderland |b.e|

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This was never the way I planned, definitely not my intention

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This was never the way I planned, definitely not my intention. I had not foreseen myself working for the news, let alone having such a boring job. I really shouldn't complain though, it's very easy work and I get paid a lot. My only issue is some of the people I work with. By 'some' I really mean one in particular—Brie Evantee.

Since the day I arrived here, she's made my life a living hell. So to say I wasn't 'thrilled' to be tasked with preparing the company party alongside her would be an immense understatement. I honestly don't have a problem with her, she's just a spoiled brat with a stick up her ass. I've met people like her and managed to get along well enough, I don't know what her deal is.

"Errand girl!" she calls behind her as I follow to her dressing room where we'll discuss details during her break, "I have a name" I grumble while rolling my eyes. "Yeah, whatever. So I was thinking we could have those flashing lights or something" she sighs as she drops down into her chair. "Jimmy has epilepsy" I inform her softly and she raises her eyebrows, "so?" She shrugs.

"So—we can't have flashing lights like that. We could do... pulsing lights? Or the ones that move across the room" I suggest, "or he could just not come" she states and I sigh. "Let's move on for now" I decide, "are we doing secret Santa?" I ask as I go to the notes app on my phone. "Boring. We should have ornaments hanging from the ceiling" she yawns which causes me to internally face palm.

"Ok... I'm just going to say this once so-" "oh and maybe we could have a big tree" she interjects and I feel the last of my patience drain from me. I calmly place my phone in my pocket, heading over to her chair and grip the arm rests, effectively blocking her in. "Be quiet and listen for once in your life" I scold and her eyes widen slightly but she doesn't utter a rebuttal.

"If you were not aware, there's a budget for this party that I intend to stay under. I will not be using MY money to fund YOUR unnecessary extravagance. With that being said, I'd be more than happy to discuss everything you want and then see what we can keep, ok?" I voice and she's silent for a long time before nodding slowly.

I take a deep breath and smile, backing away from her and plopping down on the couch. "The ornaments are a nice idea but if we do that then we can't have the tree, I think it'd clash. Besides, it's just a lot of clean-up" I say, "right" she agrees softly and I turn to her in surprise. "You don't have anything to say? Nothing else? No complaints?" I tease and she glares at me.

"You've made it clear my opinion isn't wanted so just do whatever you want" she scoffs, leaving the room before I can say anything in response. Just when I thought we were getting somewhere. I reluctantly get up and head into the hall, looking both ways trying to figure out where she went. I debate on asking someone but I get an idea first and head to the roof.

The door creaks open, the rusty hinges practically screaming. My eyes scan the area, metal ventilation fans and power boxes fill my vision. Then, just peeking out, I catch a glimpse of a pale arm and I sigh quietly. I make my way over, keeping my distance so as not to startle her. "Hey" I mumble, "what do you want now?" She grumbles and pulls her coat tighter around her.

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