Santa Baby |c.g|

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Cordelia and I have been friends for as long as I can remember; so when she called to ask me for a favor, I didn't hesitate

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Cordelia and I have been friends for as long as I can remember; so when she called to ask me for a favor, I didn't hesitate. However, I didn't think said 'favor' would include dressing up for children. Nevertheless, I promised I would be there and I won't let her down. I did say though, I will not be wearing an itchy beard. The girls will have to be ok with Mrs.Claus instead.

I put on short little heels and adjusted the little grey wig I bought that sits in a messy bun on my head. I go around to the back door as requested and I don't even have to knock before she lets me in. She smiles firmly and gestures for me to follow her. We enter a room that she specially decorated for the occasion and I look around in awe.

She really loves her girls and it warms my heart to see it. She bought a big red chair with gold embellishments on the arm rests and legs, there's fake snow in the room and little snowflakes pasted on the windows. In addition to lights being hung on the walls and ceiling, it really feels like the elves just threw up in here—but in a cute way.

"These girls are so lucky to have you" I tell her and she pouts cutely, a little blush covering her cheeks, "it's the least I could do" she shrugs. She's always so humble and modest, meek and mild if you will. I admire her ability to stay grounded even whilst being the literal most powerful witch on earth. "It's so much more than that. You'll make their whole year!" I exclaim and she scoffs dramatically.

"I just hope they're not too disappointed that the actual big man couldn't make it" I joke and she waves her hand dismissively, "they'll love you. I'll give you some time to settle while I grab them" she soon leaves me alone in the room and I spin around slowly. I take it all in again, feeling my spirits lift themselves with all the beauty around me.

Cordelia has a way of leaving her essence on everything she touches. It's like her voice echos off the walls, mutters of frustration as she tried not to tangle the lights. The soft sound of her singing along to Christmas carols in her robe, trying not to wake the girls as she worked in secret late at night. I plop down in the chair and sigh happily as I close my eyes.

I can feel the excitement of the girls in the air before I hear them. Their magic flows through the veins of the house almost making it pulse. A little knock sounds at the door and then it opens, the girls flooding in behind Cordelia. Some of them look nervous and try to use her body to shield them but she softly encourages them, ensuring that it's ok.

I smile at them but also at her; she's always so delicate with them. Anytime I see her with kids I just think about how amazing she is. She might not have had the chance to have her own kids like she wanted but she's made the most of what life has given her—which hasn't been much, sadly. She's been a better mother to these girls than I have ever witnessed before in my life.

In their eyes you can see just how much they adore and look up to her—not just literally either. "Go on, sweetie" she whispers, ushering a little girl forward. She keeps her gaze on the ground and takes hesitant steps towards me. "Hi... what's your name, little one?" I ask softly, waiting for her to come to me instead of reaching out.

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