Cinnamon & Spice |l.r|

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As the snow falls outside, accumulating amongst the previous day's remnants, I sigh softly

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As the snow falls outside, accumulating amongst the previous day's remnants, I sigh softly. My only saving grace is that I'm inside today. I could be out there freezing but instead I'm in here... working. It's not so bad, I truly don't mind it much. I get paid extra and there's barely any customers because everyone's with their families today.

I watch a little girl holding her mother's hand as she kicks up snow, while others pass on their phone or with an array of bags on their arms. Soft music drifts through the speakers and ice on the window pane distorts my vision making the outside world appear as a movie today. I'm not the only one here, however.

There's a mysterious woman that's been in the shop all day. She arrived almost as soon as we opened the door and she's been sitting for hours. I've refilled her drink enough times to know she's only had black coffee. Looking at her, I can tell she's not the happiest today and if that wasn't enough, her coffee order says it all.

I can't imagine anyone in their right mind punishing themselves with such a strong bitterness. I lean against the counter on my elbows, watching her turn the umpteenth page of her book with a straight face. I get an idea and I turn around to the machine, looking over everything I have available. I know she'll be done with her drink soon and I know she'll order another.

This time, I have a surprise for her. I make her a special latte, using my minimal skill to make a big heart on top. I rummage around under the counter until I find the stencils and flip through them until I'm happy with my findings. I make sure to wash them as they looked to have been collecting dust and then I sprinkle cinnamon atop it.

I pull it away to see a tiny snowflake in the center of the heart and I smile. I waste no time in walking over to her and placing the drink down. She glances at it wearily, preparing to slide her empty cup over to me, but her eyes widen a bit. Her gaze shifts to me and I suddenly feel so nervous in her presence, hoping that I didn't upset her.

"This isn't what I ordered" she states plainly, "yes but... I thought you might like a change—that you might need it" I mumble shyly. "And what makes you think that?" She counters, closing her book carefully over her finger to mark the page, her gaze hardened as she looks into my eyes. "Well, you see..." I giggle nervously as I search for words and she doesn't make it any easier.

"It has a heart on it" I point out and she looks at it again, for a longer while this time. I notice her lip twitches slightly and it becomes clear to me that she's fighting a smile. This gives me the confidence to push her a little more. I take a seat in front of her and she quickly meets my eyes, confusion swimming in hers. "Oh don't be a grinch! It's cute, isn't it?" I tease her and she narrows her eyes in response.

"This is supposed to be a heart?" She taunts and I look at it to see that it doesn't look much like one now that I'm not standing over it. "I'm new... I can't exactly do them so well yet" I mumble, feeling a bit silly for messing up. I look up to see her staring at me and her eyes soften as they meet my own. "You did a good job" she whispers, a small smile gracing her lips and that simple expression is enough to make me burst with joy.

I'm not sure why it's so important to me that she's happy but it is. "Thank you. I hope it tastes good too" I joke, risking the possibility that she might not find it amusing and rather an admission of incompetence. "Let's see" she smirks, slowly lifting the cup to take a sip. She takes another and I wait with bated breath, on the edge of my seat, eyes wide with hope.

"I like it" she admits and I feel like that's a big compliment from her. Sure, she didn't say she loved it but the fact that she didn't hate it is enough for me. I cover my mouth, giggling as I look at her and she frowns. She has a little white mustache from the foam and looks adorable. "What?" She prompts, her icy demeanor making another debut.

"You have a little something..." I grab a napkin out the dispenser and lean across the table a bit. She stares at me funnily and I dramatically roll my eyes, "will you let me get it or not?" I tease and she hesitantly leans forward just enough for me to reach her. I carefully remove it, being careful not to wipe off the bit of makeup she has on. I fall back into the chair and fold the napkin, placing it on the table.

I look back at her to see she stares out the window but there's something different. There's a little extra pink to her cheeks, one not made artificially. "Thank you" she clears her throat and I simply nod. "So... the elephant in the room" I joke, "which is?" She prompts as though she has no idea what I could possibly be referring to.

"Why aren't you with family? Or friends...? I'm sure you have them" I stare at her curiously, hanging onto her every breath. I can't imagine a person that wouldn't want to spend every waking moment with such an intriguing woman. "You'd be surprised" she chuckles dryly, "that's dumb" I quip before thinking and I notice her posture changes to one of defense.

"We've barely spoken but I find you really interesting and it's dumb to me that everyone can't see that from a mile away" she smiles tiredly, as though my words are simply a jumble of meaningless babbles. I know we're both strangers and may never see each other again but I know I'll never forget her. She's a woman that leaves a mark on your heart, maybe because I can see myself reflected in her.

"And... you're too beautiful to be so sad" I whisper and once again have the pleasure of seeing her cheeks go red. "I can tell you're smart. Well, it's easy to see you're intelligent but maybe it's hidden a bit by your stubbornness" I comment to get a rise out of her and it works. She narrows her eyes over the rim of her mug and I giggle.

Once the moments of awkwardness had passed, she opened up a lot more. I felt privileged to listen to every syllable leave her pretty lips. All she needed was someone to listen and I was happy to do so. Day soon turned into night, faster than I'd have liked it to, and it was time to close the shop. I cleaned everything and she stayed with me the whole time.

I locked the doors and turned to see her standing there, glancing around while her coat was held tight against her body. "I suppose this is goodbye" she mumbles, not looking at me and I pout. "It doesn't have to be..." she finally turns to me and for a moment we just stand in a comfortable silence. I take in her features for the millionth time today, confirming once more that I have never seen a more perfect specimen.

"You work tomorrow?" She asks and I bite my lip at her innocent suggestion. "I meant we could maybe meet... away from work" I say and she covers her face with one hand as a smile breaks out on her face. "Yes, I'd like that" she finally answers and we exchange numbers in the parking lot. I watch as she gets in her car and I get into mine.

Off to have a perfectly silent night...

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