'Tis the season |tam|

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Ever since the heist a few years ago, the group tries to get together every so often

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Ever since the heist a few years ago, the group tries to get together every so often. The only time we can all really be together is for the holidays. None of us have much in the realm of blood related family so we became a little one of our own. Which means, during this special time of the year, we get the chance to catch up and share in the joy.

This isn't my first rodeo with the gang by any means, so I know the drill. Including how Tammy always gets when it's close to the time for us to gather. As the silently appointed 'mom' of the group, she always feels the responsibility to not only check but triple check everything. This year I'm on top of it, however, and I've managed to get her to relax a significant amount.

We're currently waiting for the others to get back from their short trip to the store. Honestly, I asked them to get lost for a bit so Tammy could take a breather. Even though I'd prepared everything and reassured her several times, she was still eyeing things a bit skeptically. "What? You don't trust I did a good job?" I tease, "it's not that... I trust you" she sighs as I turn her around in my arms.

"Why don't you have some of that drink my coworker made for us? I think it'll calm your nerves" I suggest, "it's too early to be drinking" she argues but I shake my head and pull her towards the kitchen. I pour a glass of coquito for her, over ice, and slide it across the counter. "Nonsense. It's the holidays! And we're home, no one's judging" she narrows her eyes but takes a sip nonetheless.

I gently massage her shoulders and she sighs as the tension releases. "This is really good" she practically moans and I giggle in response. "Told ya" I reply and soon the sound of loud voices and laughter floods the house, signaling the awaited return of the 'children'. Everything is a bit of a blur as footsteps sound all throughout the house.

They set their bags in their rooms and come back down for drinks and food, eventually migrating to the couch. We play games and tell stories, drinking maybe a little too much but having fun all the while. "You know what the best part about Christmas is?" I prompt, not really expecting an answer since I was thinking out loud but boy do they take to the task.

"Love" Tammy sighs dreamily, "awwww... no" I giggle and she pouts but I pull her close to place a kiss on her cheek and she blushes. "Being around all your family and friends" Rose answered confidently, "nnnope" I state and she furrows her eyebrows. "Food. It's food!" Constance yells out and I chuckle as I shake my head, amused at her antics, "but you're close" I hint.

"Seasonal drinks?" Daph guesses and I sigh dramatically as I take a sip of my drink, seeing her point. My eyes lock with Tammy and I get lost in her trance she seems to so effortlessly pull me in. She grins goofily at me and my smile widens until I can't help but laugh. "Well... are you not gonna tell us your answer?" Lou speaks up and I'm startled a bit as I truly was in a daze.

"Right! Now what was I—chocolate! I was gonna say chocolate" I smile to myself proudly, since that's really the only appropriate answer in my opinion. Silence falls over the room and I open my eyes to look around, seeing them all staring at me. I try to hide my smile but after glancing at Tammy and seeing her biting back giggles I couldn't help it.

The room erupts in laughter and we all end up bent over, stomachs in pain from the lack of breath. We finally calm down and decide that more drinks might not be the best idea considering we're silly enough as it is. As it gets later, we sober up a little and think it time to go to bed. There being a group effort to clean up the little mess we made before we retire to our rooms.

"I had a wonderful time tonight" Tam whispers as she rests her head on my chest and I run my fingers through her hair. "I'm glad. You deserve it, baby" I sigh contently, feeling her fingers draw mindless patterns on my belly. "I knew you went the extra mile to make sure everything was just right and I want you to know I noticed... and I appreciate it a lot" she tilts her head up to look in my eyes and I smile warmly.

"Anything to make you happy" I breathe out to which she simply kisses me, though it was anything but 'simple'. Any time her lips meet mine, it's like a piece of heaven on earth. My soul seems to temporarily leave my body, making my home with hers in the minimal space between us. That's why it's so hard to pull away but I know that it's necessary to keep experiencing this beauty every day.

"You know... I may have told a little fib earlier—now that I think about it" I pull her closer to me if that's at all possible and she hums with curiosity. "When I said the best part of Christmas is chocolate" I chuckle as I remember and so does she, "then what is the best part?" she inquires and I grin widely. "Knowing the I get the best gift every year" I answer simply, "and what's that?" she prompts.

"Why, waking up to you of course..."

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