Better Than Snow |l.w|

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I wake up and it takes me only seconds to remember what day it is

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I wake up and it takes me only seconds to remember what day it is. I turn over only to see my gorgeous wife still asleep. I bite my lip as I grab my phone, snapping a few pictures of her relaxed state. I love to see her like this, free of any worries. It's rare for me to wake up first as Lana tends to rise at a ridiculously early time.

I jokingly called her bird because she's such an early bird. I feel fortunate today that I get a moment—a chance to capture her in a completely peaceful limbo. I admire each of her features as if I've never seen them before. Her prominent cheeks bones, her brown hair sprawled against her pillow. Her full eyebrows and her perfect lips. She lightly smiles and I wonder what she dreams of; hoping it's me.

I carefully observe the soft movement of her shoulders and chest as she breathes; uttering a soft 'thank you' partially to the forces that brought us together. But also to her, for allowing me to partake in the beauty she exudes every single day. I brush a few strands of hair out her face as her eyelashes flutter. They remind me of delicate butterflies, majestically flapping their wings. Her eyes slowly open and her face lights up with a soft smile.

"Were you watching me sleep? Weirdo" she muttered jokingly. "I can't help it when you're so beautiful" I reply as I look into her eyes. I love being able to watch her sleep but I always miss her eyes when I can't see them. The beautifully glistening chocolate orbs that fit her so well. They're so incredibly warm, which goes with her personality perfectly.

"It's rude to stare" she mumbles tiredly as she finally fully opens her eyes. She went to sit up but I gently pushed her chest back down. "Just a few more minutes" I whisper distractedly, still lost in my trance. She tends to do that—leaving me constantly enraptured by her remarkable beauty. She rolls her eyes playfully but obliges to my request; staring at me as I stared back at her.

"How did I get so lucky?" I whisper softly biting my lip. "It's me who's lucky, darling" she replies quietly and I shake my head. "I get to look at... this... everyday" I say motioning to her face and body. "And I get to experience at least half of what's in that beautiful brain" I continue. I could see her lightly blush before she pulls me into her chest. My face against her bare skin always feels heavenly.

"I have the privilege of admiring such a beautiful soul—that for some reason has taken such interest in me. But I am so fascinated by you, Merle. I find myself having to focus extra hard each day, because each spare moment I get... my mind wanders to you. How your body feels pressed against mine; your soft skin. You're so beautiful, my love" she utters.

I smile and give her a soft peck on her chest in response. "And don't be mistaken, your mind is just as beautiful—if not more than mine. I learn something new from you everyday" she whispers in my ear. I tilt my head to look up at her and just smile as she stares down into my eyes. We lay there for a bit longer until I—or rather my stomach—decides it's time to get up.

Lana always takes a bit longer in the morning, probably why she likes to wake up earlier now that I think about it. While she finishes her extensive skin care routine, I head to the kitchen. My feet quickly pad across the slightly cold wood and I turn the heater up to prevent that in the future. I put on some music, looking at the pictures of Lana for a moment with a huge smile on my face, before discarding my phone on the counter.

'Better than snow' by Norah James and, one of my favorite artists, Laufey plays through the speakers and I begin to dance around the kitchen as I grab the various things I need. Lana's soft steps soon become louder in my ears and I turn to her, approaching for a kiss. I see her glance at my phone and a little frown appears on her face. I look to see a picture of her that I'd taken and I smile.

"Delete that" she states, pointing at it as she walks towards the fridge and looks inside for a drink. "But it's so cute! I want it for memories. I'll only keep it for me" I promise and she turns to eye me skeptically, her eyes narrowing as she slightly tilts her head down. "And what if I don't, huh?" I challenge and she sets her glass down that she was sipping, I just cross my arms in response.

"Then I'll do it myself" she sighs but I quickly snatch my phone off the counter and back away from her as she comes closer. "I can't let you do that" I say, "Merle... give me the phone" she demands with her hand out and I shake my head. My footsteps quicken and so do hers until she's chasing me throughout the house.

I press the record button and hold the phone up, making sure to get her on camera. I giggle and stumble, almost falling as I see her determined face in the camera. "When I catch you—so help me, god" she grumbles, "you can't kill me! It's on camera!" I laugh loudly and she groans. I know I only have to outrun her a little until she gets tired and soon enough I'm proved right.

"Just you wait... I'll get ahold of that phone eventually" she pants softly and I just pat her back, "better luck next time, champ" I giggle. She lazily tries to hit me back but I dodge it and she whines. I head back to the kitchen, giving her time to relax as I actually make the breakfast I started. I fix our plates and join her in the living room to pick back up on our marathon of cheesy hallmark movies.

a few hours later...

Lana's pov
My phone buzzes and I pick it up, the movie being paused, Merle having gone to change a little while ago since she was cold. I see there's a notification from Instagram saying she posted and I get a little nervous. I know it's nothing to be worried about really, my image won't be ruined by a simple funny photo. In fact, I can be a little uptight sometimes and my love is an angel for dealing with it.

Which is exactly why I'm a little hesitant to open this. She typically listens when I tell her these things, even if they're kinda silly, but she also likes to test my limits. I just rip off the bandaid and open it, nibbling gently on my lip. My muscles relax as I see it's another off-guard picture of me from the previous night. I'm sitting on the floor by the tree, having just opened a present and I'm assuming it was a good one by the big grin on my face.

My eyes flit down to the caption and my eyes soften as tears involuntarily fill them.

Minters97: Yet another year with the love of my life and I couldn't be any luckier. This face of pure joy will always light me up just like that tree. And to Lana, my love and light, Christmas with you is better than snow. Merry Christmas from the Winters' house 🎄💋

As I finish reading, she rounds the corner in her snoopy pajamas and I smile. I pull her into my lap and she giggles softly as her arms instinctively wrap around my neck. "I love you" I whisper, "and I love you" she echos.


Happy Birthday Miss Paulson! No better way for me to say it than with good ol' Lana Banana 😌

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