Home for the Holidays |l.t|

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"You know I can't get out of this" she sighs, "that's not true and you know it!" I argue

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"You know I can't get out of this" she sighs, "that's not true and you know it!" I argue. We've been bickering for the past few days about the fact that she's going back to Germany. We'd discussed this beforehand, so it really shouldn't have been a problem. She's been living in the states with me and I can't blame her for wanting to visit.

Most of her closest friends live there and of course her family is there as well; but we both know she's not going for the latter. "Fine, you're right. I can get out of it but why would I? You can't seriously be mad at me for wanting to go home" she quips and her rage is almost tangible in the air between us. I begin to think that maybe she's homesick, which would make sense.

I can't tell her why I don't want to go, she wouldn't understand. "Ok" I mumble and she stops her pacing to look at me, "ok?" She echos, "mhm. Go ahead" I state calmly. I turn around and start walking away, as I reach the base of the stairs I hear her scoff. "You're just... letting me leave?" She asks, "you're a grown woman. Make your own decisions" I reply before ascending the stairs.

I reach our room and close the door, falling face first on the bed. I groan into the pillow and then angrily turn my head to the side, letting it fall down on the cushion. I shouldn't be so grumpy, it's not her fault after all. It's just that we haven't really been dating for a long time, this will be our first Christmas together. Needless to say then, I'm fucking nervous to meet her friends for the first time.

They live so far and we both work so we don't exactly have time to just go over. When she first suggested it, I was thrilled because I'd get to meet the people that mean the most to her. Now that it's actually here, my nerves have gotten the best of me. I feel bad for being so bitchy to her and I know I should apologize but I have to let us both calm down first.

Lydia tends to be hotheaded, she's gotten a lot better but we also rarely argue. I think it's best to just sleep it off and I'll talk to her in the morning. The flight is set to leave then but I can talk to her beforehand and explain myself. I don't want to keep her from going but I also don't want her to leave on bad terms...

the next morning

I yawn and stretch out, my lips smacking gently as I blink away sleep. I reach out my arm, feeling for the warmth of Lydia's body, only to be met with cold sheets. I sigh softly, I'd hoped she wouldn't still be angry with me. I turn over to grab my phone, going to text her. I see the time and my eyes widen so big I'm afraid they might pop out.

Shit! Shit! SHIT!

It's 7:36am and her flight leaves at 8. I spring out the bed and throw on a coat, snatching the keys as I run through the house and to the car. I hop in and start it up, cursing softly to myself at my stupidity. Why didn't I set a fucking alarm? I break so many laws I can't even remember what they are anymore. My only concern is getting to Lydia and by god that I get there alive with all this reckless driving.

I make it to the airport and stop in the terminal, leaving the car running. "Ma'am? Ma'am! Ma'am you can't leave you car there! It's gonna get towed!" An attendant yells after me, "THEN TOW IT" I yell back with abandon. My eyes quickly scan the screen 7:55am it reads with all the flights and their times below it. I find her flight name and I run to the gate, only for it to be closed.

"Please. Please you have to let me on the plane just very quickly I promise! I need to see someone" I beg, "I'm sorry ma'am but boarding is closed. I can't let you on" she sighs sadly. I know there's no use in arguing or getting upset, she's only doing her job, and I've done enough of that these last few days. A completely ludicrous idea crosses my mind and I run.

I dash out the loading dock, looking around at all the machinery. I quickly snatch a reflective vest, tossing it on and grabbing the little sticks I've seen them use. I also grab a megaphone as I run past and I do my best to read the numbers on the plane. The tears in my eyes slightly cloud my vision but I can just make out the one I'm looking for.

I double check quickly, seeing the correct airline name as well and I just go for it. I run faster than I knew I could, stopping a few hundred feet in front of the plane. I'm not exactly trying to get run over, you know. I wave the sticks frantically, trying to get their attention. "I NEED TO SPEAK TO SOMEONE ON THE PLANE BEFORE YOU LEAVE" I call out through the device.

"Ma'am you need to move. You're delaying the flight" a man calls through the plane's announcement speaker. "PLEASE! I JUST NEED TWO MINUTES" I beg and it's quiet for a while. I half expect him to just start moving the plane so I have no choice but to get out the way. "Who are you looking for?" He asks and I give him her name, waiting nervously for him to reply.

"Ma'am there's no one by that name on this plane. Now would you please be so kind as to remove yourself from the runway so that we can leave?" He calls out, "ALRIGHT. THANK YOU" I say and see him put a hand up in the tiny window. I move out the way and watch as the plane takes off, sulking back to the loading bay. I take off the vest, returning everything the way I found it.

As I'm about the renter the main airport I look up and Lydia is standing in front of me. "What are you- how- I thought you were going home" I stutter as I glance back at the plane that's now tiny as it gets further and further away. "I couldn't do it. I couldn't leave without you" she mumbles and the tears that have been threatening to spill all this time, suddenly overflow like a broken dam.

"I was going to come back home but then I heard some people talking about a stopped plane. People were crowding by the windows and I almost kept going until they started to describe you... then I heard my name from one of the flight attendants because I guess they were gossiping" she chuckles and I smile shyly.

"So I pushed my way to check it out and there you were... standing in front of the plane like an absolute idiot" we both laugh and I wipe my tears as she pulls me closer to her. "I'm sorry" I whisper, "it's ok, baby. I'd say you more than made up for it" she teases and I hug her tightly. She kisses the top of my head and rocks us gently back and forth.

"I'm sorry too. I know you were probably just nervous and... well I know all of them and I just know they'll love you—that's why I got so frustrated" she confesses, "you think so?" I ask softly and she nods with a reassuring smile. "I'm probably the hardest to please amongst us so if you're good with me, you're good with them" she chuckles and I can't help but laugh with her as it's contagious.

"We should catch the next flight" I mumble and her gaze darts to mine, "really?" She asks hopefully and that look in her eyes is enough to convince me I'm making the right decision. "Yeah. I can be packed in an hour" I say, "if the car hasn't been stolen" I think aloud and her eyes widen. "You left the car running?" The disbelief in her voice is just what I would except from her considering she's definitely the more practical one in our relationship.

"Maybe..." I grimace, "we could always get an Uber" I shrug and she takes my hand to pull me towards the terminals. "That's so not the point" she complains, "does it make it better that I did it for love?" I whisper which makes her stop in her tracks. She turns to me and takes my face in her hands, tilting my head so my gaze meets hers. "Yes... yes it does" she whispers, gazing into my eyes lovingly before placing a kiss on my lips.

"But if someone stole my BMW I'm going to raise hell...."

A December to RememberWhere stories live. Discover now