The Present Crisis |w.v|

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Working at Kinero's isn't the most exciting job I could have but it pays the bills

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Working at Kinero's isn't the most exciting job I could have but it pays the bills. More than that, I'm able to afford luxuries I could've only dreamed of before taking the position. So, in no way am I complaining about the work. Holiday season is stressful at any job and here is no different. We've been getting flooded with orders; apparently robots are good gifts?!

Anyways, this means I've had less leisure time than usual. Typically this wouldn't be a problem but I started gift shopping late this year and I've hit an impasse. My friends and I always meet up and exchange gifts, this year is the same. One of my friends has a kid and I try my best to include him as well. Yes, I'm his mom's friend but I love him too and don't want him to feel left out.

He's like a nephew to me and since I'm making more money, I want to get him a memorable gift. I know he really loves comics and he collects them; so I wanted to find the first edition of his favorite one. Unfortunately, by the time I could get around to calling the one store that had the first copies in stock, they were sold out.

Which means, in the midst of working my ass off, I've been calling all around to see if anyone has one. I've literally been begging people to sell them to me, willing to pay thousands of dollars but I guess they're too valuable for that. I've never experienced such desperation and disappointment in my life. To make matters even worse, our gathering is in a week and I haven't even figured out an alternative.

"Hello!" I jump a bit and turn to see Wilhemina standing over my desk, "huh?" my eyebrows furrow in confusion as I look up at her. "I've been trying to call you for the last 15 minutes" she sighs and a simple glance at my phone shows that she indeed isn't kidding. "Sorry... I'm... a little distracted" I mumble, "obviously. What's going on?" she asks in a softer tone.

"It's nothing. Did you need me?" I ask dismissing my troubles because, after all, I'm getting paid to work not mope. "It's lunch time and I wanted to see if you were hungry since a new place opened up down the street—but that's not important. Tell me what happened" she rambles, gently pulling me up and gesturing for me to grab my purse.

We get in the elevator and she looks at me expectantly, "go on then" she insists. "I'm just trying to find a present and it's sold out, nothing I can do about it" I shrug defeatedly, "well, what is it?" She asks curiously and the elevator dings signaling that it's time to get off. We exit and as we make our way to the car, I tell her about the comic book I've been religiously searching for.

"Who's it for?" She inquires as we get into her car, "my friend's kid" I inform her and she hums. "Oh... I'm sure you'll figure it out" she says and I just agree for the sake of wanting to drop the subject. We go out to eat and we don't speak of it but it's also impossible for it to leave my mind. He's a kid, he'll be happy with basically anything I give him but I really had my mind set on this gift.

I know there's no use in crying over spilled milk and I should just let it go. In all honesty there's no reason I should be so worked up about it. Nevertheless, that fact doesn't stop me from planning to make a few more calls. At least, at the end of the day, I can say I tried my hardest to find it.

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