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pov Esterio,

In the morning I help my tia Serena cook. Gossiping about Vicente's love life. As him and Anselmo laid in his bed on the floor of the livingroom. They gave me the room all to myself last night too. Tia was telling me about his and Anselmo's friendship too.

"His ex girlfriend was this girl named Vanessa, she cheated on him." She whispered to me making me gasp. "Yeah he said he wasn't sad but he started dating her twin sister after." She shock her head with a pout.

"Eww so he went out with sisters" I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

"Yeah both omegas" She shock her head. "I just want my son to be safe you know. Like not get some girl pregnant or some sti. You'll keep an eye on him right." I grin nervously at the worried mother nodding. But would it be wrong to cock block my own cousin. It's for his own good I guess right.

"Yeah sure tia" She smiled continuing on the sausage pattys.


pov Vicente,

I woke up Anselmo putting on his sweater as I woke. I smelt food and decided to go to the kitchen before Selmo. Who was putting on his shoes. My cousin, baby Sonya Minia and mom where the only ones up. Sonya half asleep in her chair strapped to the seat. She had her eyes closed holding her head up with her tiny hands over the table. I went to her side thinking she'd want to go to bed.

"Are you tired baby?" I asked her rubbing her back. She sat up shaking her head no.

"Me wait for food" She explained trying to sit up as I sat next to her. Looking to mom and Esterio.

"What y'all making?" I asked

"Food" Esterio said bring us over our plates. My mouth watered with the French toast, sausage, hashbrowns and egg. Sonya looked at her small plate then mine packed how my mom always does for me.

"I woke up early then him" She whined making me laugh as I started eating. Soon Anselmo sat with us my cousin getting him a plate.

"Thanks" He said looking at my cousin a little too long.

"Your welcome" My cousin blushed making me glare.

"Stop serving everyone Esterio come sit." I said making my cousin look away from my friend.

"Yeah I will" He said as my other siblings and dad came down.

"I'll serve with your tia Esteri sit sit, I'll get you a plate." Dad said sweetly to him. Dad was only kind with him or the girls and mom of course. I stood pulling Esterio to sit on Sonya's right. Away from my stupid friend.

I just can't believe out of everyone Anselmo is the one I have to look out for.


pov Esterio,

After tia made us all do chores and pick up the livingroom. Me, Anselmo and Vicente took tias car to the mall. Vicente was excited to drive.

"Dude my mom never let's me do anything, it's cause she thinks your an angel she is now." Vicente teased me putting his arm around my shoulder. "Not that you aren't" He chuckled a bit at his own joke.

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