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pov Esterio,

We said bye too Deonisio, Aurelio, Victtorio and Victtoria. Deonisio was helping Victtor with some baby stuff I guess. So Victtorio said he'd give him a ride home. We got into the car, Vicente was only letting me ride in the front till Ovidio got here. Ovidio was kinda quiet, clearly in love with my whore cousin. But like he looked so pretty and just cool. But is so anxious and quiet and shy. I just don't understand why he's tutoring himself liking my cousin. He's like the perfect omega and my cousins treating him like a piece of meat. I didn't want to get involved but I felt guilty like I should warn Ovidio my cousin might not have the same intentions as him. But he's also my cousin. Would that be like fucked up? Plus what if my cousin does like him more then sex and that nasty stuff??

Anselmo climbed in the back with me and suddenly Vicente wasn't sure about Ovidio in the front.

"I'll get this" He took the left overs from Ovidio who smiled. He then put it in the seat between me and Anselmo. "Don't move it or let it fall." He instructed Anselmo who rolled his eyes putting his hand over it. We both knew he did it so we couldn't sit next to each other.
My cousin was worrying about nothing, Anselmo's sweet and very hot. But I'm sure I'm not his type. And I don't even know him to have any romantic feelings for him. Him too. Just cause he's like super cute and respectful And you know I'm an omega, doesn't mean we'll have feelings for each other.


pov Anselmo,

Esterio waved bye to us cutely from the door as Vicente came back outside. He was telling his mom he had to drop us off. Me first of course since this man was clearly trying to get laid. I rolled down my window me and Ovidio both saying our byes to Esterio. I know Esterio's Vicente's cousin and he wouldn't want me dating him and stuff. But I couldn't help my feelings. Vicente knows I'm not the type of guy that goes around, flirty, doing sex and stuff. So why can't he just let me pursue my feelings? I'd never treat Esterio in anyway he'd disapprove and he knows that. Plus it's not like I have a chance if I do pursue a relationship. Esterio's a bubblely person, so friendly and welcoming. It's his first day here and he's already met almost everyone. Plus I'm probably not his type at all. I sighed a bit to myself as Vicente got in the car. He looked back at me.

"I'll take you first okay" He told me and I nodded "Why do you look depressed?" He asked laughing kinda confused if I was actually down. I kinda shrugged it off annoyed with the day we had. He had been a dick all day and he's the one that asked me to stay over. He just turned back starting up the car to go.


pov Deonisio,

Me and Victtorio were watching the kids meet each other. Aurelio had met lots of other kids from my mother's classes. He loves them especially babies for some reason. So he immediately got excited once we put him in the playpin with Victtoria. Me and Victtorio sitting in the corner of the playpin watching as Victtoria became confused. She had never seen another tiny human like herself. Aurelio on the other side was babbling as if trying to communicate with her. While he crawled around playing with her newborn baby sensory toys. He hadn't played with newborn toys in a bit. Since we started getting him more interactive toys.

"Aurelio's like the best little dude ever." He gushed over my son ruffling his hair. I could tell Aurelio loved his tio already as he smiled at his touch. Crawling to him fastly to interact with him.

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