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pov Ovidio,

I waved bye to my mom at the door. As I practically skipped to Vicente's car. I opened the side door immediately embracing my boyfriend over the middle dividing the seats.

"Hey babe" I said giggling as I sat back in my chair.

"H-hey I like got you something, I don't if you'll think it's weird. Esterio said you'd lik-" He pulled my gift from the back seat making me blush. It was treats, a cute teddy bear and a bouquet of beautiful bright flowers.

"Oh my gosh babe" I squealed taking the teddy bear. "Thank you thank you thank you" I said giving him kisses as he untenseed. He seemed nervous for me to meet his family. I was a bit too but I didn't want to show him that in case he just got more nervous.

"That's good I'm happy you liked it." He smiled kissing my lips once more before going to his house. I hugged the flowers and bear to my chest.


pov Miseal,

I woke up, smuggled up and naked to Esteban's chest. He held me tightly which was warm and nice. But I needed to get up and ready. So I pushed at his chest making him whimper holding tighter. He whined, humming in annoyance.

"W-what mm" He groaned pushing his head in my back. It made me laugh as he mumbled and whined in his sleep. I tried to wiggle out. "Stop" He groaned loosening his hold. I chuckled getting out of his arms. "Where are you going?" He whined laying back on my bed. As I got a new pair of clothes. Putting gray shorts with nothing else for now. I really needed a shower so no use in getting all clothed.

"I need to clean and get ready for my babies." The house wasn't too messy but I needed to relocate my clothes from last night. It was still crazy to me that last night I you know did that. I just haven't made love in a bit so I was still so fuzzy and had so much adrenaline. Esteban got up sitting at the edge of the bed.

"Oh shit sorry" He immediately apologized.

"No it's fine they won't be home till like 2." I chuckled, I looked back at him with a smile. "You could like stay for breakfast." I said making him smirk nodding as he bit his lip.

"Okay baby" He said making me blush as I looked back to my drawers. Getting clothes for my shower. When I got a interesting thought. "Wanna shower with me?" I asked turning and leaning on my dresser. He stood completely naked making me blush.

"I'm ready" He said confidently, his dick in the air hardening.

"Esteban" I said shyly covering my face as he chuckled.

"What I'm ready" He said smirking as he walked to my restroom. I followed rolling my eyes. It was my turn to turn him red and strip. I took off my shorts, throwing them at his face. He took them off to looking at me. I hated it didn't make him all flustered like me. Instead he was drooling shamelessly. I walked ahead of him getting in the shower as he also watched shamelessly. I turned on the shower as he climbed in hugging me from behind. He kissed my neck making me lean into his chest. I hummed loveing the touch of sensual alpha love. Something I hadn't had in years, something missing from my life as a mother. Not only was Eddy never here with me parenting. When he was he always was justed trying to pry back into my bed. He always begged saying he wasn't in love with his girlfriend. Saying he loved me, he wanted to be back together. But never ever made the step to leave her and pursue our relationship again.

I pulled a little back. This wasn't like something I needed to get used to. All this could be is sex. Plus we work together so I can't let other people at work know about this. I turned to him as the warm water made the fog fill the air. Biting my lip I pushed him to the wall. This couldn't be lovey dovey like I let it be. Inviting him to breakfast, cuddling with him. Gosh I'm so stupid sometimes I don't even think. I kissed him sloppy as the water wet our bodies. He grabbed my waist pulling me close. "Your so cute" He said looking into my eyes. I blushed, he so cute too. But isn't that too sappy too say I can't say that and so can't he. Not if I don't want this to be more then sex.

"Your cute too" I said shyly, forget everything I was just thinking. He kissed me cutely and I did too. Going against everything I felt before.

"Mari! Mariano!" I jumped hearing Eddy knocking and yelling to me. The phone ringed I knew it was him. Fuck! "Miseal Mariano!"

"Shit" I cursed as Esteban turned off the water. I throw on a towel going to my room to answer my phone. "What do you want?" I asked him.

"Coming out baby, I wanna see y'all." He said

"The girls aren't here yet, I'll call you when they get here. I'm having um me time right now." I said

"Why can't that be us time? I wanna see you too you know." He said making me chuckle.

"Nice try Eddy I'll call you when the girls get here." He laughed with me.

"Worth a shot" He said making me laugh as he hung up. I rolled my eyes a bit going go the restroom. Where Esteban got out putting on his clothes.

"Um I'll just let you get ready to see your kid's. We slept in pretty late anyway." I nodded putting down my phone.

"Bye" I whisper going over to him. I gave him a hug taking in his company and naked chest for a bit.


pov Esteban,

Knowing he didn't have underwear under his pink pajamas shorts didn't make it easy to hug him bye. I just got so jealous hearing him with his ex. I know I'm possessive for no reason over these omegas. Deon is all cuddly with his old childhood best friend. And Miseal's baby daddy is still so in love.

"Bye" We said again for what felt like the one thousandth time. I finally left in my work clothes. They smelled like sweat and my hair was still wet. He sighed as he closed the door but I didn't look back at him. Going home I'll just be lonely missing my son, and Miseal and Deon. But at least I could get myself together.

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