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pov Ovidio,

I thought I wasn't nervous. But standing next to him in front of his parents my cheeks turned pink. And my palms sweated.

"Hi Mr and Mrs Hidalgo" I said, his mother smiled hugging me. I hugged back shyly.

"Nice to meet you your so pretty." I was happy to hear that.

"Your beautiful too, your daughter's all look like you." I said.

"Thank you" She said as Vicente's father came over.

"Nice to meet you Ovidio" We shock hands, and I tried to keep a firm grip.

"N-nice too meet you to sir." He patted my back. His siblings coming back to steal my attention.

"Ovidio play with us please please." Fatima begged me.

"No Ovidio's going with me" Juan said taking my hand.

"Oh Juan Thaio stop that, that's your brother's boyfriend your can't be all flirty." Juan blushed holding onto my hand tighter. Vicente tsked pulling my hand from Juan making him hide. "Stop that your scaring you brother" She told Vicente now making me laugh. At Vicente and his siblings. I have siblings all my age but all Vicente's are in like elementary school.

"Stop that you little weirdo" He cursed at Juan not caring what his parents said.

"Vicente you act like that in front of Ovidio." Vicente rolled his eyes taking my hand.

"Yeah yeah how about you get your deviant son." He pointed to his brother.

"Ovidio your so kind for putting up with our most annoying child. Thank you" His mother said to me sweetly making me giggle. As Vicente rolled his eyes.

"Your welcome I enjoy his company." I said going along with them. Making Vicente cross his arms.

"Ovidio your so nice and pretty." Guadalupe said to me sweetly making me blush.

"Aww thanks" I said as she sighed

"Why do you like my brother then?" She said making Vicente tsk. I guess they all liked picking on Vicente. Maybe that's why he's such a cocky narcissist tho too. Not that I don't love that he's so confident and he knows he like so handsome too.
I love that too. The twin and his parents laughed at the joke.

"Bruh don't even play I look good." Vicente defended himself rolling his eyes.

"Aye, olvidé que eres una narcisista" His dad said making his mom laugh as he glared at them.

"Well yeah I look good" He said with a tsk as they continued to laugh at him. Now I see why Vicente's ruthless.

"Aye our son" His mom said " I'm gonna go finish lunch sweet heart, if you need anything I'll be in the kitchen. There's lots of cold drinks in the fridge okay." I nodded smiling to her. She went to the kitchen, his father following.

"Play with us" Fatima asked at my leg again.

"No Fati, maybe later" Vicente said kneeling down to talk to his sister's. Fatima crossed her arms with a huff, Sonya pouting.

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