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pov Deonisio,

They invited me to come eat with them at the food court. Anselmo insisting he pays for me and Aurelio.

"Nah dude come on we haven't talked since sophomore summer." Vicente insisted along making me cross my arms.

"Hmm I don't know we haven't talked since then because you guys completely abandoned me. This was nice but I think I should go honestly." Vicente stopped me clearly feeling guilty. He was the one who had all the beef with Esteban. Plus he was the one that also told me he'd never fuck with him even if he's the father of my son.

"Come on we're younger we want to get to know Aurelio now.. even if his dad is bitch ass Esteban." Vicente mumbled the last part making me roll my eyes. "I'm just playing" He said not wanting me to be mad. "Are you still with him by the way?" I sighed

"No we-we haven't been with each other since I was pregnant. He was never my boyfriend to begin with." I rolled my eyes, even though I still love my baby daddy. And won't let them talk down on him. He was never the man I saw myself with or even giving my virginity. I do admit he's way more supportive then I've ever thought he'd be. And he's a good dad, his son loves him. And that's all that matters to me.

"But he's a good dad right?" I nodded smiling to my son.

"Yeah Aurelio loves him and he spoils us." Vicente smiled his famous smirk dabbing me up.

"That's what I'm talking about" I laughed remembering being like this with them. Just missing having my childhood friends around.

"Come eat with us dude, we're going to see baby Victtoria after." I gushed really wanting to meet Victtorio's baby. "Come with us dude" I rolled my eyes.

"Fine" I gave in pushing the stroller along with them.


pov Esterio,

"I'll get whatever you want, I work in the food court so I get a half price discount." Anselmo offered, I nodded but as I was going to answer my cousin did for me.

"I could pay for my baby cousin dude." Vicente rolled his eyes throwing his arm around me. I pouted a bit up at my younger cousin by 2 months.

"Stop being such an alpha, Anselmo offered to pay. He's being a gentlemen" Deonisio scolded making Vicente cross his arms.

"Yeah but he's my little cousin. I'll watch out for him." I smiled at my LITTLE cousin. Happy he was protective and loved me but there was no reason to be so hostile to his friend.

"It's okay cousin, you're already helping me make friends and sharing your room with me." Deonisio went aww making Vicente blush.

"That's so sweet" Deon said

"And don't worry dude I'll buy your food too." Anselmo said to my cousin making him roll his eyes giving in.

"Fine I guess" Vicente gave in rolling his eyes.


pov Ovidio,

Victtorio played cod mobile on his phone. As I played with Victtoria in the playpin. My abuelita had loved meeting Victtor and Victtoria when she was born. She bought them a lot of things. Now Victtorio has it laid out with a huge space for baby Victtoria to just roll around and nap. Since that's all she's doing at this stage. Oh and eating a lot of course. Victtor worried about nutritions but my niece is completely perfect. She has chubby checks and legs. Adorable baby rolls on her arms. She is perfectly healthy her dad just worries himself. He's a good dad thats why.

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