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pov Esteban,

I called Deonisio before I got into work but his little ass didn't answer me. It wasn't like my baby mama. I was sure him and Aurelio were fine tho just probably fell asleep early.

Since I started working late nights to 2am. I'd go over there ever now and then for my break. The baby mama will cook for me and I'll get to see my baby boy if he's awake. Today I'll just make something in the kitchen or go out to eat. My tio is manager not to mention my dad owns the place. So if I wanted I could make my own feast even though I do preferre eating with my baby mama. Especially his cooking. He says I'm not his man but he ain't ever be flirting with anyone else. And he cooks for me everyday pretty much. He needs to stop playing and just be mine already.
Right now my tio called us all for a meeting. He wanted to change the omegas uniform. Since it would bring in more attraction from weirdos. The whole point of our bar was to be served by pretty omegas male and female tho. So I guess it made more sense to make them look sexyer. My job was basically clean, cook, bartend and make sure no ones harassing the omegas. Mostly just Miseal tho since he was the only one that didn't do stuff for tips his customers would get pretty rude sometimes. My tio loved giving him special treatment even though he hates it and my tio. He really thinks that omega will fall at his feet for treating him better then the other thirsty omegas working here. The thing about Miseal was that he had attitude and would push any advances away rudely. Making him a challenge for guys like my tio and weirdo customers. He hated ever bit of it tho and made sure they knew it as well.

It was a little bit annoying to me. Cause if your not into this stuff, men gawking at you and cat calling why work here of all places. But I guess it was for the special treatment from my tio.

"Today our new uniforms came sooo we will be debuting them to those dirty perverts out there." He said referring to the men who literally wait outside till we open. Miseal of course complained the only one my tio would allow to complain so of course he did.

"A new uniform it's winter I'm supposed to walk home in that ever night." He crossed his arms making my tio grin. I guess he found the omegas whining to be cute.

"Oh come on Marianno I got this one cause I knew your butt would look great in this skirt." Miseal rolled his eyes at my tio's words. As my tio put the skirt to his waist he tsked pushing it away.

"No you did it cause you knew I'd look like a slut in it." Miseal said back making me chuckle. In my 17 years of life I've never heard anyone talk so crazy to my tio. I knew Miseal wasn't like other omegas, he wasn't scared of anything or one. He had hella respect and confidence in himself which is hot. But I couldn't get why he worked here. If he had so much confidence and respect. There's something that's just off. In my head I'm thinking he probably just works here cause he secretly likes when men cat call him and shit. But that didn't really seem right either.

I really just don't get the omega.

"Well you got me Marianno, but don't worry you can change into your clothes after this shift. And for the next my nephew will walk you home so your not harassed." I looked at my tio confused why he offered me as a babysitter. But I mean I shouldn't reject, I rather walk him home ever night then have him get harassed or something.

"Uuhh we really can't get out of this huh?" He asked my tio who shock his head. Passing him a set of the tacky pink outfit.

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