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pov Deonisio,

I was still so confused why Esteban kissed me like that. I hope it wasn't to get Victtorio mad especially after I told Victtorio and the guys how good he was treating us. They'd just think he's the same mamón from before Aurelio was born. But he's so much more mature now, I just hope that's not why. Plus I could tell Victtor felt some type of way about that whole thing.

Decided to stop thinking about it instead of asking him. As he sat with Aurelio in arm and I starved us plates. I walked over with his and Aurelio'sbaby plate. Aureli's only had cut up veggies, with cheese squares and thinly sliced jerky. His father had a whole plate steamed cheese and broccoli. A big steak, mash potatoes, gravy, steamed spinach and a bread roll(I just put what I made rn lol😵). He lick his lips over dramatically showing me he likes it. Which made me giggle cause it was sweet. I went back for my plate and some cups. I made kinda a lemonade, strawberry agua fresca. I put us a cup Aureli a sippy cup. Since I was getting him to use them instead of the bottles. I watched admiring as Esteban fed Aurelio some of the cheese from the broccoli. He tasted very slowly and curiously. But once he knew he liked it he smiled biting his father's finger.

"Aah" He said shocked trying to pull out his finger. "Baby let go of daddy please." He begged our son so I walked over, standing hands on my hips.

"Aureli you let your daddy go right now this instant." I demanded making the child laugh at me letting go. He couldn't take my scolding seriously that little brat. But if his father says nah uh he starts to pout like a brat trying to get out of trouble.

"Damn he's strong, he really likes mommy's food too huh." Aurelio laughed in his father's arms. Not understanding but just seeing our faces was enough for him. We put him in the highchair. Feeding him piece by piece of his food. As it sat on the table. We didn't want him to feed himself yet or throw the food around. He does that then he wants food again but throws it again cause he's bored.

"So how's work? You thinking of being the manager yet?" I asked, curious if he finally took the position. Since his father has been offering it since he first started working. At a different restaurant tho while I was pregnant.

"Well I just feel bad getting my uncle fired ya know." I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Firing that omega creeper you wouldn't even think twice. Why do you really not want too?" I asked more in a light hearted tone. But he seemed to get a bit upset and conflicted.

"I don't want to be like them. They use whore and hookers to make money.. becoming the manager at a strip club is like joining they're business." My stomach turned listening to him talk about what his dad does. He gets upset sometimes but I don't let them watch Aurelio. Unless we're they're. I just know the kinda stuff they do and did in front of Esteban and his siblings as kids. I won't let those psychos drag my baby in to any of they're crimes. Or my baby daddy. "I don't want to be like the men in my family Deonisio you understand right." I nodded feeling stupid for pressuring him. "Trust me though I'll find a better job. Something that won't have to do with all that stuff." I smiled nodding as encouraging as I could be. I know he doesn't want to be like his father so I want to support him. I know it's hard to see how his family runs they're business. When he was younger he thought he'd have to be apart of that shit. But he's mature now, and he wants to be a good man.

"Of course I understand, I know you'll do what's right." He blushed a bit rubbing the back of his neck.

"Of I will I love you and Aurelio with all my heart." Now I was blushing happy to hear him say that.

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