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pov Ovidio,

I hugged Esterio goodbye, waving him off as he went inside. As soon as I got in Vicente said something.

"You wanna go somewhere you know private?" He said with a smirk, I blushed rolling my eyes at his handsome smirk and suggestive words.

"Vicente I don't wanna make out in your car anymore." He pouted "can't we like go to your bedroom?" I asked

"Well I share with Esterio now I don't know." He said.

"Maybe you could like meet my family." I suggested making him pal.

"Um I know your family, they don't like me." He said

"So all that matters is if my daddy likes you and my mom." He raised an eyebrow

"What if he hates me? What does that mean for us?" He said

"Why would he hate you? My papa love me so he'll love you trust me." I said to comfort him. "Plus right after we greet them we can go up to my room." His eyes lit up.

"And you'll take off your underwear again?" He asked too excited

"No but you can touch me." I said he sighed but still agreed.

"Okay but if it's awkward I'm sorry. I've never met someone's parents before." I had to contain my excitement and joy of him saying that. I'm the only omega he's actually gone through meetings parents?! Now I had to make sure they loved him.


pov Vicente,

I didn't want to judge too quickly but just knowing Ovidio calls his dad daddy made me nervous. I mean I could just see it my omegas probably they're spoiled omega son they love with all they're heart. If I fuck this up we'll have to meet in private. And Ovidio already hates my car. Plus I can't do stuff in my room anymore, I share it with Esterio that would be awkward. Ovidio's probably very close with his dad. He's the only one within his siblings aren't some kinda bad kid at school. Ovidio's more so preppy, nerdy but somehow still popular. And even though everyone knows him for his siblings he was still seen as the nice one of the four. We walked to the door step. I nervously fixed my hair as he opened the door.

"Daddy! Isa!" He yelled looking for everyone. Orion on the couch throw a pillow at him which I blocked with my face.

"Shut the fuck up Ovidio! You just got here damn." He bitched with his headphones in playing a video game. I grabbed the pillow throwing it back to him he lost. Looking at us, he glared at me. "Why is your boyfriend here?" He asked Ovidio crossing his arms.

"None of your business idiot, where's everyone else." He glared at his brother now turning back to his game.

"How the fuck should I know? Do I looking like a fucking babysitter?" He he looked back to his game starting a new round. That guy's mad disrespectful to his older brother. Ovidio would hate if I beat the shit out of his little brother. I know Juan says some crazy shit and probably to him qhen they meet. And even though Juan's like a kid I know Ovidio wouldn't get mad at him. So I had to just see what Ovidio thought about him talking like that.

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