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pov Victtorio,

Afterwards we went back to his house as he fed Victtoria on the couch. Me and Aureli watched Elmo. I was blushing trying not to even turn my head in way of thought I was staring or anything. But as he burped Victtoria rocking her I knew it was okay for me to look back. Blushing as he pulled down his shirt. I ignored my inner alpha thoughts with a blush. Just think of how good a mom he is and just how hot he is.
I wish I could sock my pervertive alpha in the mouth sometimes.

"She's all done?" I asked rubbing my neck. He nodding patting her on the back as she laid on him getting burped. "She like you a lot" I said knowing my baby girl is super picky with who she loves. I felt bad for Isabel cause after her pregnancy and inner struggle with loose her teenage years, our baby didn't even show her love like she did me. I knew it was hard for Isa and painfull too. She had told me before Vici was even born that she was scared she would be no good at raising a child. I just thought you our instincts and friendship would be enough for us to get through all of it.

At the end of the day I'm still satisfied with being a father. Even if it's nothing like I thought it would be.

"Yeahh I'm so happy she does." He cheesed cradling the little baby on his chest. As he cleaned her mouth with her baby rags. They're for burping the babies so you don't get any on you. I watched in Deonisio's eyes as they glowed looking at my daughter. He was almost obsessed with babies. All the kids at the class ran up to him and would ask him to play with them. It was crazy to me that my little nerdy best friend was now this bad as fuck mom. It was turning me the fuck on too. As he wad acting like a wife taking care of my daughter. It was like Aurelio didn't like that I was crushing on his mom tho. He grabbed my shirt to stand since he was just learning he used us and the couch if he wanted to stand. I smiled at him but with his free hand he smack me right across the face. His mom gasping, I chuckled knowing I probably deserved that. I shouldn't be thinking about how sexy his mom is. Another smack from the baby's hand to my face. As Deon got up going over to us, with a sleepy Victtoria. "Aurelio don't put you hands on your tio." He scolded the baby "You never use your hand like that boy." Aurelio looked up at his mom and laughed like a g. As he swung on me again making me laugh. As I finally decided to stop the crazy baby. "Aurelio" His mom scolded kneeling down next to us with Vici.

"I don't think he likes me anymore." I said playfully as the baby boy laughed at me. Victtoria was watching us as if confused but disappointed. Her little baby eyes half lidded as her baby lips furrowed.
She probably wants a nappy, I thought.

"No he likes you, he hits his dad like that too. I don't know why he thinks it funny, I told Esteban to stop playing with him like that. Cause one day he's gonna try to hit someone else." Deonisio rolled his eyes a bit. "Trade babies?" He asked and I nodded. Us both taking our kids. "I think he needs a N-A-P anyway." I chuckled nodding thinking the same.

"Yeah she's looking pretty tittie milk wasted." I joked making him blush hard. Me too as I noticed his.

"Oh I almost forgot, I promised Esteban I'd make him lunch." My stomach turned. I guess I got lost playing house with him and our babies. I forgot about that bitch ass mother fucker. "You wanna stay and eat i-" I cut in really uncomfortable with being around the guy who took his virginity. The guy I've been hating on since I learned about Deonisio's pregnancy.

"I-i'm good, Vici needs to sleep anyway. She rather sleep in her princess bassinet you know." He nodded with a cute smile, before looking at the already dozing 4 month old. I could see he wanted me to stay but I just couldn't. He held her cheek almost in love with the thought of having a baby again.

"Aww but I'll miss you guys." That made me blush again as he looked up at me with pleading eyes.

"Let's chill tomorrow yeah" I said immediately brightening his mood.

"Okay I'll make us something yummy tomorrow too. I know you like the tres leches so I'll make that." Now I was hyped nodding dramatically. The only thing my mother ever did right was have a mom who could cook. My abuelita would bring me tres leches on my birthday, Christmas, Easter. Just anytime I could go with her instead of stay home with my druggy parents. "What else? What do you want to eat for lunch tomorrow?" He asked.

"Hmm" I thought on it knowing how he cooks. He was always so good at it he'd cook for us after school since we were kids. Standing on his kitchen stool as he mixed the food in an apron too big for him. Back then my parents were too high to even care if I came home. And Deonisio's were too busy working to even know how absolutely brilliant and independent they're child is. He was like a grow up even then, when all of us where stupid little boys eating crayons. And fighting over Pokémon. "You make the best molé and the best barbacoa." I gassed him up loving his smile. "Fuck D you just be cooking up so good, make me whatever baby." I didn't catch myself using a nickname on him till he was giggling all red.

"Okay I'll make you something good." He said making me happy. As we got up and started getting Victtoria's things to go. Before his fucking baby daddy get here at least I thought to myself rolling my eyes a bit.


pov Esteban,

I had my bartender suit on as I walked over to Deon's. Missing my cute little baby mama and our cute little son. Once I got there opening the door with the key. My heart kinda stopped, I smelled alpha. In my baby mama's house?? It wasn't hostile I could tell but...

"Esteban" I heard his cute little voice greeted me. Looking over to the couch, where he stood with a car seat and Victtorio. Who was holding my son? Me and Victtorio made eye contact making it pretty awkward as we were both clearly uncomfortable with each other. I mean he's Vicente's best friend. And Vicente's a bitch ass punk. The only reason I hadn't beat his ass was cause my hot baby mama told me not to. Deon came over either ignoring or oblivious to the hostile pheromones going around. I took this opportunity to put my hands and lips all over Deon. I didn't want Victtorio to even think he had a shot with the omega who birth my son. I grabbed his waist surprising him as I connected our lips. He gasped as our lips touched stucked in my embrace as he was hugging back. Once I let go he looked up at me mouth hung open. And the grip of our hug lose. We hadn't kissed, fucked, touched. Nothing since Aurelio was made. I had forgotten had nice and kissable his lips were. Victtorio almost look like he was gonna cry packing up his daughter's things. I walked over satisfied with his sad reaction as I got my son from him. He was hella happy to see his papa. Grabbing my face and squeezing me excitedly. He didn't know how to react to exciting or overwhelming emotions yet. Meaning if he was happy he'd just grabbed you and squeeze with a crazy chucky doll laugh. At this age is when they're so tiny they look like dolls. But so mischievous they act like evil dolls. "Do you need help?" Deon asked Victtorio, who quickly shock his head. He was clearly hurt, I knew he was trying to fuck my omega. I had to do it honestly or I'd lose my wife to his old best friend.

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