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I got in trouble😐 for school fights sorry if this took forever
P.s this chapter is smutty


pov Ovidio,

I was scared but excited to learn how to drive. I sat in Vicente's lap as he held my hands in place. My feet over his.

"Are you sure I'm not too big. Could you like see and sit properly." He nodded putting his chin on my head as he checked all the mirrors and car functions.

"Are you ready?" He asked and I shock my head scared.

"I don't know babe" I said timidly "i-i"

"I got you I'm a driving expert, my tio Eugeno taught me when I was 12." He said with a big smile. I couldn't help but feel comforted by the smile. But as he started up the car I shrieked pulling my hands off. He turned off the car. "Be careful babe are you trying to kill us." He said even tho we were in park. I crossed my arms with a pouty lip.

"Are you trying to kill me!" I said sarcastically scolding him. "I almost had a heart attack" He just laughed at me hugging my waist. His chin now leaning on my shoulder he kissed my cheek. I tried to turn in his lap when he groaned loudly throwing his head back. At first I had thought I hurt his penis. But instead I think I touched it another was as he blushed looking at my butt on his lap. "S-sorry" I said lifting myself off his lap I sat on the middle console sliding to the other seat. He covered his blue jeans cursing a bit. "Sorry I-I really didn't mean to hurt you or anything." He took off his jacket covering his lap with a shaky grin.

"I-it's fine" He stuttered something I've never heard from the usually so confident alpha. "Let's go to the gas station really quick I need to use the restroom." I nodded feeling bad for what I did.


pov Vicente,

This was the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me. I mean I've had my ex girlfriend and boyfriends sit on my lap before. I've never once busted like that and in my jeans. This stain was never coming out. I couldn't go home my mom and Sonya Minia were home. I locked myself in stall as Ovidio waited outside worried. He thinks he hurt me or something, I hadn't addressed it yet. What the fuck am I supposed to say. You made me cum in my jeans. I tried to keep my mind right, but due to the orgasm I just had abruptly in my pants. And the image still planted in my mind of his skirt riding up my chest letting me have well a pretty good view back in the car didn't help.

"Fuck" I cursed hitting the stall door as my dick became hard again. I could hear him whimpered I guess worried for me.

"What's going on Vicente?" He asked sweetly. I thanked God this had never happened with anyone else before. I was guess Ovidio was to innocent to know I creamed my pants while he was all over my lap. Or too nice to bully me about it. If it was any other omega, especially any other I have dated they would've left me right then and there. And told the whole school about it. I thanked God one more time that I was horny that night we went to Victtorio's.  And decided to be with him. Of course I knew that night I was thinking I'd at least get my dick sucked. And that was kinda fucked up of me. But all ends well since we're together now. "I'm coming in" He said throwing his backpack over the stall.

"Fuck" I whined opening the door. As I held my pants and jacket over my dick. I only opened enough to talk with him, I didn't want him to slide under the stall and have to be on the floor.

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