Settling them in

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Open in a comfortable room with a big screen in the middle and two couches arranged so whoever sat on it could see the screen clearly. Jana sat in one of the couches. She concentrated and immediately necromantic witch Scott, nature witch Tiff, water witch Pris, sand witch/sandwich Lauren, illusionary witch Eloise, firefrost witch Joey, storm witch Shelby, time witch Cleo, telepathy witch Bertha, and dream witch Mertha were teleported into the room. For once, they all weren't extremely confused and agitated. In fact, they seemed to be getting used to it.

Shelby: Oh, we're back.

Joey: Yay!

Cleo: What're we reacting to this time?

Lauren: Please tell me it's the demon thing.

Bertha: Mertha darling? You're here now?

Mertha: Apparently so, Bertha.

Pris: Mertha!

Mertha: Ah. Prismarina. It's you.

Scott: Oh, hello.

Eloise: That was a bit shocking.

Tiff: Yeah, maybe a bit of a warning next time?

Pris: Oh, you don't have to warn me, I'm fine.

Lauren: Hi, Jana!

Jana: Hi. And we're reacting to Sausage's life a thousand years ago. It's the life with the demon.

Everyone: Yes!

Jana: I've decided that I shouldn't leave you hanging with all those teasers from last time so this reacting session will explain everything.

Mertha: Reacting session? And what's this about teasers?

Bertha: Oh, Mertha, remember when I told you about the time all of us witches were reacting to each other?

Mertha: Oh, that. Yes, I remember.

Joey(Moving over.): It's getting kind of crowded on this couch.

Lauren(Pointing.): Yeah, how come that couch gets to be uneven?

Jana: Oops, sorry, I almost forgot. (She concentrated again and Sausage of Sanctuary was teleported into the room, on the free space on the couch.)

Everyone: Sausage?!

Sausage: Oh, hi everybody! I'm Mythical J. Sausage, the 'j' is silent.

Joey and Shelby(Leaping out of their seat to hug him.): Sausage!

Sausage: Shelby! Joey! Good to see you again!

Mertha: Who is that strange man?

Bertha: He's the Sausage fellow I told you about, Mertha dear.

Mertha: Well that explains it.

Jana: Like you've probably guessed by now, this is Sausage. I've decided that since this session is supposed to enlighten you about him, I'd bring him here for some extra banter.

Sausage: Oh yeah! I honestly forgot. Also, Jana, you caught me in the wrong outfit.

Jana: I did? Oh, yeah, you're in the peacetime outfit. (She concentrated and Sausage's clothes became the kingly robes he wore as Lord Sausage of House Sausage of Mythland.)

Scott: Someone looks like Santa Claus.

Sausage(Brandishing his staff of Sanctuary at Scott.): Don't call me Santa Claus! There ain't no Santa Claus over here!

Scott(Holding his hands up in surrender.): Woah, Sausage, calm down already!

Joey(Laughing.): Sausage, don't ever change!

Tiff: I'm starting to wonder if this is a good idea.

Sausage: Oh, I'll be fine. Uh, is Hermes okay though?

Everyone: Who's Hermes?

Jana: Sausage, no spoiling, and he's fine, he's with Joel.

Sausage: Oh, okay.

Pris: Wasn't Joel the god who taught Shelby how to control weather?

Shelby: Um, yeah, but if I continue that's a spoiler. (Everyone groaned.)

Sausage: Wait, do we have a no spoiler policy over here?

Everyone: Yes!

Joey: Oh, I forgot how gossipy Sausage was.

Shelby: Here we go...

Jana: Mertha, has Bertha told you all about the other sessions yet? And the little teasers and things?

Mertha: Yes, my dear Bertha recently used his telepathy powers to explain everything to me in an instant. I can still ask questions, though, can't I?

Jana: Of course, there's no such thing as a no questions rule here. Anyway, Sausage here-

Sausage: Oh, can I explain some things?

Jana: Sausage, that is literally the reason I brought you here, so you really didn't have to ask.

Sausage: Oh, yeah, right.

Eloise: Gameshow hosts have to ask questions.

Sasuage: Hey, that was one time, one time. Me and Oli had a blast, except for the whole imprisonment drama, I think Oli's got PTSD from fWhip's cage.

Everyone: Um?

Shelby: Oh, um was Oli's criminal record never explained?

Scott: I remember you saying he stole from fWhip but you never mentioned a cage.

Shelby: Oh.

Jana: Also, Sausage, try to keep the spoilers and teasers down, please?

Sausage: Oh, all right.

Bertha: Were we reacting to his life or not?! Can we please get on with it?

Witchcraft SMP react to Lord Sausage of House Sausage of MythlandWhere stories live. Discover now