The beginning

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Jana: Sorry, but anyway, Sausage was a king who ruled a place called Mythland and his export was iron.

Sausage: That iron farm castle really did produce a lot, didn't it?

Everyone: Castle?

Jana: Sausage, please?

Sausage: Oh, sorry.

Jana: Anyway, Sausage got a bit of a head start over the other empires when he managed to get a supply of librarians with good book trades. (The screen played the clip of Sausage bartering with other emperors and empresses over them being able to trade with his librarians.)

Sausage: Way to start from the very beginning.

Jana: Uh, apologies if this takes very long or if the beginning feels awkward and rushed because Sausage did a lot of things on the server.

Shelby: Tell me about it.

Cleo: Trading's a big part in the empires, right?

Joey: Only means of currency.

Jana: Except for the occasional diamonds, but if you want to get anywhere in the economy you do trading.

Eloise: One day I'd really like to study the economical system of these empires.

Sausage: Oh, if I have free time off of jumping around the multiverse with Hermes and Bubbles then I'll teach you!

Pris: Who's Bubbles?

Sausage: Oh, she's-

Jana: Sausage, spoilers!

Sasuage: Oh, yeah. Sorry, old habits.

Bertha: Oh dear, now there's more people who can spoil us. (The screen played the clip of Sausage being reunited with his panda general and meeting Pix.)

Tiff: You had a panda general?

Sausage: Why not?

Lauren: Here I thought Sausage couldn't get any weirder...

Eloise: That's my line!

Sausage: Hey, Jana, how much did you tell them about me?

Jana: Not everything is all I'll say.

Scott: That sounds just about right.

Mertha: Is that Pix fellow a wandering trader?

Sausage: Oh, he's not, he just likes dressing up as one whenever he comes to trade.

Bertha: That's an interesting hobby.

Joey: Yeah, I heard it really confused Scott when he went to trade with him. Wore a trader head and had a sheep on a leash and everything.

Cleo: Scott's in this life too?

Scott: Yeah, I am.

Pris: You act like you've heard this before.

Scott: Jana recently had me react to a bunch of my other lives.

Everyone: What?!

Lauren: Why not me?

Joey: I want in!

Jana: I know Scott's other lives better than I know your other lives, okay? And there was the whole thing about explaining to him all the demon teasers Shelby and you kept on giving him. But anyway, let's move on. (The screen played the clip of the failed end raid.)

Bertha(When they met Lizzie to ask her where the stronghold was.): That lady looks very familiar...

Cleo: Wasn't she that weird cat lady from Shelby's life?

Sausage: Oh, that's Lizzie, all right. Ocean Queen!

Tiff: For a queen of the ocean she looks kind of... like a highschooler.

Shelby: Oh, after a while she looked really different.

Bertha: I still can't shake off the feeling I should recognize her.

Mertha: I have that strange feeling too.

Jana: Well, Lizzie's technically the previous supreme in a past life, so that's why.

Everyone: Wait, really?

Joey: I honestly can't imagine Lizzie as the supreme witch. I mean, she's so immature sometimes.

Shelby: So are you.

Jana: And here I thought you all wanted to react to Sausage...

Everyone(Hastily.): Oh, we do, we do!

Jana: Okay, then, let's get on with it.

Cleo: So this Pix fellow is good at redstone?

Tiff: I don't think any of us ever did much redstone.

Sausage: Pix was the smartest person on the server! Redstone genius and tactical expert, although the general is much better at battle strategies of course. Best in the world, after all.

Scott: Wha- why'd they all just fall through the honey blocks?!

Sausage: fWhip planted an azalea tree!

Everyone: Oh.

Sausage: Course, that didn't stop us for round two, but uh... it still didn't go so well.

Lauren: Okay, I'll say it. That was a disaster.

Sausage: You got that right. 

Witchcraft SMP react to Lord Sausage of House Sausage of MythlandWhere stories live. Discover now