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Scott: Doesn't the demon show up at around this time?

Bertha: Ah. The demon.

Joey: Yeah, it did come around this time.

Jana(Facepalming.): I literally do this reacting session just so that you all can learn about the demon and most of you seem to have forgotten that the demon existed.

Tiff: In our defense Sausage is pretty distracting.

Sausage: That's me! Also, should I change yet?

Jana: No, not yet. Later. (The screen played the clip of Sausage meeting Xornoth and battling mobs with fWhip, making a deal with Xornoth, having the q&a with Gem, adopting cats that Xornoth had spawned, and meeting Jimmy who was very, very scared of Xornoth around the summoning circle.)

Mertha: A deal with the demon?

Cleo: I never expected Sausage to-

Sausage: Look, Xornoth promised power, and at the time I was still pretty insecure about being less than Gem and fWhip, and it didn't help that Gem didn't approve of my blood magic.

Bertha: Please tell me she's not the only one who didn't approve.

Sausage: Well, in everyone else's defense, I didn't really make it common knowledge.

Scott: What does Shrub know about Xornoth?

Shelby: Well, you know how Shrub was a gnome? She's not exactly from around here, and well, let's just say the nether didn't always look like the way it did.

Pris: What are you talking about?

Shelby: Xornoth corrupted the nether a long time ago, and Shrub was the only gnome to escape to the overworld. Except Xornoth followed her through the nether portal.

Everyone: Oh.

Scott: Gem's getting suspicious...

Sausage: Yeah, but she's technically suspicous about everything I do.

Joey: Well the way you act doesn't exactly hurt it.

Mertha: What's with all the cats?!

Pris: Adorable!

Sausage: I don't know! Xornoth just secretly likes cats, I guess.

Tiff: Scott, do demons usually like cats?

Scott: I don't know, why are you asking me?!

Cleo: Well you are the demon expert on the server and you were technically once a demon.

Scott: I suppose, but that doesn't tell me if all demons secretly like cats!

Jana: What are the chances of an entire species liking the same thing anyway?

Shelby: Well all piglins like gold. And endermen hate eye contact.

Jana: Okay, fine, you've proved your point.

Bertha: Weren't we talking about the demon terrorizing the server?

Eloise: We were just wondering if he secretly liked cats.

Bertha: But of all the things to wonder about a demon-

Jana: Okay, okay, let's get back to the normal demon conversation.

Joey: Jimmy's really scared.

Shelby: Don't tell him that Xornoth's behind him.

Pris: Well I can understand why he's scared, Xornoth was worse than Ogien! No offense, Ogien, if you're listening.

Witchcraft SMP react to Lord Sausage of House Sausage of MythlandWhere stories live. Discover now