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Jana: Anyway, other stuff's been happening with Sausage other than the music disc war and the wall race.

Sausage: Oh yeah, I started dabbling in magic.

Pris: Tell me again what kind of magic you practice?

Sausage: Uh, that might take a while...

Shelby: Well I know he did some plant magic and multiverse teleporting magic but that's just about all I know.

Tiff: Plant magic? (The screen played the clips of Sausage growing trees with gem crystals and growing mushrooms with them as soon as he got some of Shrub's magic mushrooms, and Gem cautioning him about basically leeching magic from everyone else and about the blood sheep that had been slowly appearing around Mythland, him making and using the summoning circle, him making the church of the blood sheep, and him making his blood weapons.) Wow, they're huge!

Sausage: I know, right? I wanted to use those crystals to grow everything!

Scott: That wizard's name is Gem and she has gem crystals?

Sausage: Yeah, her export was amethyst.

Bertha: Puns. Of course.

Cleo: Well amethyst has a lot of magical properties, I just never knew it could grow plants like that.

Sausage: I'm pretty sure only Gem's do that.

Eloise: Mushroom magic? Shelby?

Shelby: Shrub and the gnomes knew some basic mushroom magic, used to grow their mushrooms really big and strong and stuff like that. Nothing too fancy.

Pris: I'm pretty sure growing plants and things that big counts as fancy.

Mertha: Gem seems to be one of the few cautious people on the server.

Sausage: That she is!

Bertha: Leeching magic?

Sausage: I wasn't leeching magic, I was just, I dunno, practicing other magic? I mean, until a while later I didn't have any magic to call my own.

Lauren: Practicing other magic though... I mean all of us have our own thing and we don't try to intrude on anyone else's brand of magic.

Sausage: Well, I really wanted to do magic, okay?!

Cleo: Why were you so obsessed with magic?

Sausage(Uncomfortable.): Well, Gem doesn't give me enough credit to handle some things on my own, she pretty much expects that I'll be irresponsible with everything, but I'm not, really. I just want to be on her level, that's all! I mean, fWhip and Gem are good friends to me, we had lots of fun together, it's just that they kind of see me as the comic relief character and nothing else. I want to be as good as them!

Everyone: Oh...

Pris: Should I mention that when we saw Sausage popping up in Shelby's life I kind of also expected him to just be comic relief?

Everyone: Yeah, same here...

Sausage: Do you see what I mean?

Joey: Jana, you never mentioned that Sausage had power insecurities before.

Lauren: At this rate everyone's going to have them.

Jana: Well it seemed a little too personal back then and we were reacting to the life a thousand years ago, not Sausage specifically. But we are now.

Cleo(When the blood sheep came up.): Blood sheep?

Eloise: What are blood sheep?!

Scott: That sounds awfully familiar but I can't place it.

Bertha: I feel like I'd read about it somewhere but I can't remember.

Mertha: Me neither.

Sausage: They're these special magic sheep that are always all blood red. You sacrifice them to cast blood spells.

Shelby(Yelping.): Sacrifice?! You too, Sausage?!

Sausage(Quickly.): Well, this is why I never told you before, I know you're kind of traumatized by sacrifices.

Pris: Then why did you mention it now?!

Sausage: Well, El asked!

Eloise: Sorry.

Cleo: Wait, how long were you dressed like that? (Sausage had been wearing his mage outfit for who knows how long.)

Sausage: Oh, just since we started talking about me getting into magic. I thought I'd fit the theme.

Scott: Do you also practice the magic of changing quickly too, or something?

Sausage: Uh, no, at least I don't think so.

Tiff(When the church of the blood sheep came up.): Church of the blood sheep?

Scott: Oh, now I know why it was familiar. That's where Lizzie and Joel got married, right?

Lauren: Who would get married in a church of blood sheep?!

Sausage: Well, there were no other churches at the time, so easy choice.

Tiff: And how did Sausage turn from nature magic to blood magic so quickly...?

Sausage: Well, Gem had been pestering me to stop leeching magic for a while, and the blood sheep aren't so bad, they were finally something I could call my own use to be just as good as Gem and fWhip.

Cleo: A church seems pretty weird though.

Sausage: Well, the blood sheep get angry at you if you keep sacrificing them without paying respects and giving them offerings in return.

Everyone: Er, okay...

Bertha: And here I thought Mr. Major was practicing in dangerous magic... but for the record, necromancy is still dangerous!

Scott: I know, but I can't do magic if I have no magic!

Mertha: He has a point there, Bertha dear.

Pris: How did Gem let him do this...

Sausage: I honestly have no idea.

Bertha(When the part about the summoning circle came up.): A summoning circle?!

Sausage: Yeah, I had to summon someone very powerful!

Tiff: Okay, what kind of monster did you summon, Sausage?

Shelby: Sausage, you never mentioned this either...

Sausage: What? It didn't cause any problems.

Scott: The screen is literally showing us you saying how deadly and dangerous the thing you're summoning is.

Sausage: Well, just watch, I guess.

Eloise: Oh. It was a dog.

Pris: Adorable!

Sausage: That's Bubbles! She's my good girl!

Bertha(Flatly.): You used a summoning circle to summon a dog.

Sausage: Well she was in another dimension at the time waiting for me to get her. And besides, she's a multiversal being that transcends all reality and can swallow all her enemies in one gulp. You do not want to cross her.

Everyone: Um...

Scott(Wistfully.): She reminds me of Maxwell...

Mertha: Blood weapons?!

Sausage: Okay, I'm not even going to make excuses for that one.

Joey: Oh, character development!

Jana: Anyway, Sausage seems to really like finding new hobbies, because right after figuring out he could do his own type of magic he found himself a new career. 

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