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Sausage: Speaking of Bubbles, do you think she'll be mad at me for not telling her I was going to do this today?

Scott: How would she be mad at you?

Sausage: Well, I promised to not go on any adventures, does this count?

Jana: She also might be worried that you're not home for lunch.

Sausage: And now I'm just realizing I forgot breakfast.

Lauren: This is seriously off topic. (Then a portal opened up and Bubbles stepped through barking angrily.)

Sausage(Standing up.): Bubbles, girl, this is not what it looks like. (Arf arf arffff!) Yeah, I know! But Hermes is with Joel and I have the staff of Sanctuary safe and sound right here. (He waved it energetically at her and she barked again.) What? Confiscate it?! You can't, it's mine! (Arf arff, aroo!) Well I guess you're the boss when it comes to interdimensional magic usage, but come on, I didn't even use it to get here! (Bubbles turned to Jana and started barking again.)

Jana: Don't blame me, I was just having a normal reacting session. (Bubbles looked back at Sausage and starting whimpering.)

Sausage: Okay, okay, I'm sorry for worrying you, but you know! Okay, I'll give you a belly rub when we get home and I'll let you eat that empanada I was saving for next week. No wait, two belly rubs! How's that, Bubbles? (Bubbles barked and leapt into his lap.) Okay, okay, girl! Guess you're staying.

Shelby and Joey: Bubbles! (Bubbles yipped at them.)

Tiff: Uh, hi Bubbles!

Eloise: Did you just have a conversation with a dog that seems to secretly be your mother?

Sausage: Yes, and no, she's not my mom, Mom's been dead since I was a kid. (Everyone stared at him.) What?

Scott: What was that about saving an empanada for next week? Won't it be a little old by then?

Bertha: This is seriously off topic.

Jana: Well, anyway, I guess Bubbles is staying for the rest of the reacting session. Now, where were we? Oh, right, uncorrupted Sausage. (The screen played the clips of Sausage trying to prove he's a good person now by doing favors for fWhip and Gem and getting resumes for Lizzie to go on her ride, and getting rid of his dark weapons but misplacing his soul-splitting scythe, and promising to not do any magic again.)

Cleo: Sausage really can't keep a secret, can he?

Sausage: Nope. Ow, Bubbles! It wasn't on purpose!

Scott(Sadly.): She really does remind me of Maxwell...

Jana(Considering.): You know what, Scott, I think I can do something about that... (She concentrated and Maxwell appeared in Scott's lap.)

Scott(Happily.): Maxwell! (Maxwell licked him joyfully all over.)

Jana: I think you can take him back with you when I send you back.

Scott: Thank you.

Sausage: Aw, this is so sweet.

Bertha: You misplaced the scythe?!

Sausage: I didn't misplace it, it was stolen!

Mertha: Who stole it?

Sausage: Does it count as a spoiler if I answer?

Jana: Yes.

Sausage: Okay, fine. (The screen showed the clip of Sausage dreaming about Xornoth being defeated.)

Tiff: Was that Xornoth being defeated?!

Pris: Was that Shelby in a cage?!

Bertha: Is Xornoth using the scythe?!

Lauren: Did Sausage just dream about what happened?

Pris: I mean, I've had dreams or visions like that...

Joey: Me too! But just once.

Sausage: Yes, yes, yes, and yes!

Scott: From what I heard from my other life, what happened was that Xornoth asked Joey to get a sacrifice for something and he used the sleep potion that Sausage brewed to kidnap Shrub and one of her wolves sent a message to Gem and Katherine and other me, and they had just researched a spell that they were hoping to use against Xornoth.

Everyone: Sacrifice Shelby?! Joey!

Joey: In my defence, I wasn't myself. But I ended up losing the cursed crown when they attacked Xornoth so I was back to normal after that.

Sausage: Wait a second, if I gave the potion to Joey, does it mean all that was my fault?

Everyone: Yes.

Sausage: Ah. (The clip of Jimmy and Sausage making up and making a bridge between their walls and fixing up the scar in the land showed on screen.)

Lauren: Yay, you made up!

Mertha: About time. (The screen played the clip of the Rivendell feast.)

Eloise: Why is Lizzie blue?!

Scott: She turned into a blue axolotl.

Everyone: Wait, what?!

Sausage: Yeah, she's a sea goddess. And Jimmy's a sea god!

Everyone: Oh...

Pris: Oh, so those are the origins of the Crown...

Tiff: Using your assassin skills to protect the ruler? You're such a good boy, Sausage.

Sausage: Yay! Someone called me a good boy!

Joey: Except you weren't able to protect any of the emperors.

Sausage: Well, I am the only assassin, so I am the worst and best. (The screen showed the clips of Sausage following the rules and failing to protect the emperors.)

Bertha: Well, in the Joel one he at least was giving it away, so Sausage wasn't required.

Cleo: I thought you said you didn't want the Crown, Sausage?

Sausage: I just wanted to play the fun gameshow!

Everyone: Ah.

Lauren: And that explains how much cake you ate...

Sausage: Yeah, even a thousand years later, I'm not sure if I've fully recovered yet.

Shelby: And Joey stole the Crown from Lizzie so at least we could all stop eating.

Mertha: Are you still up for cake at tea, Bertha dear?

Witchcraft SMP react to Lord Sausage of House Sausage of MythlandWhere stories live. Discover now