I can still feel you (¡LL¡)

766 12 4

TW: Spoilers, burn scars, Tango's rage
Fluff + Angst
Ranchers ship!
Third Person POV (Jimmy's):

Limited Life had just begun a few hours ago, and so far, Jimmy was enjoying it. He was teamed up with Joel and Grian, the Bad Boys on Bad Boys Manner. Life could not have gotten any better.

The canary was currently sitting on the roof of the mansion, his legs outstretched in front of him, his hands behind his back holding him up. Scott sat next to him, basking in the sun as he talked about his base on a small island near where Joel and Jimmy originally wanted to base.

Jimmy had a small smile on his face the whole time, the sun heating up his flushed cheeks, turning them a deeper cream color. He was enjoying the peace the day brought to him, no reds and no worry about the boogeyman, just him and his former ally bonding in the last rays of the day.

As the sun set, it casted yellow, orange and red rays onto the mansions roof, highlighting the two males' features who sat on it. Soon a new color joined the mix of reds and oranges. Black. But it wasn't any other shadow of some tree. It smelt of smoke, robbing the day of its peaceful feelings.

Jimmy sat up, trying to figure out what the source of the black cloud of smoke was. Scott, however, figured it out quickly, taking a water bucket out of his inventory and rushing up to the side of the mansion.


The cyanetts yell came from where he was splashing water over the burning logs. Jimmy's heart skipped a beat as he also grabbed a water bucket, sprinting forward in a hurry so he could help Scott in putting it out.

Jimmy was multi-tasking, trying to stop the flames from making its way up the mansion as he tried to call for the bad boys on his communicator. Some flames made it up onto Jimmy's arms and legs, licking at his skin and causing the blond haired avian to hiss in pain.

Scott pulled him back, trying to get him away from the flames and the pain. He dragged Jimmy all the way back to the other side of the mansion, Jimmy trying to push Scott off to save the mansion.

Scott was busy trying to calm Jimmy down, the sounds of roaring flames meeting the wood of the mansion surrounding their figures, causing a feeling of hopelessness and fear.

Third Person POV (Tango):

Tango wiped the hair from out of his face as he helped Impulse build a weat farm underneath the island they claimed as their home base when the blaze hybrid suddenly felt... fear?

Confusion covered his face as he tried to pinpoint the origin of the feeling. He couldn't help but notice that this feeling didn't feel like his own, which made Tango's mind spiral back to memories of Double Life with Jimmy. All of the times where he would feel emotions and pain that wasn't his own. When he felt two heartbeats instead of one.

Buzzing came from both his and Impulse's communicators, and both of them pulled the objects out of their inventory in sinc, reading the messages.


Server wide chat:



Tango knew what he felt now. Jimmy was in trouble. Without a word, the blonde rushed out of the little hole they made underground and sprinted as fast as he could towards the Bad Boys Manner. Or so they called it. Bucket in hand, he climbed the burning building, his determination fixed on helping Jimmy.

Once he got to the top, he started helping in putting out the fire. Tango realized Martyn was also there helping, and he fought the fire off with him by his side. The Bad Boys arrived soon after, their group being a complete mess as they tried to put out the stinging flames to no avail.

After a while, the group gave up, and Tango decided to turn his attention towards Jimmy. His soulbound. Tango approached the canary, a small gasp escaping his mouth as he saw his soul mates condition. Jimmy had bad burn marks up his arms and legs, which looked like they hurt a lot. Tango's rancher was a sobbing mess, hiding his tear filled face in Scott's chest, who was desperately trying to calm him down.

Behind Tango he could hear Grian and Joel talking to Martyn, so he turned his attention to them, eager to hear if they knew who it could have been.

"OH, ITS SCAR! Look at his stupid face!" The parrot hybrid Grian announced, staring off into the distance where the Clockers and the Nosey Nabours stood chatting, staring at the mansion.

At the mension of Scar, as well as the site of the mansion still going up in flames, memories from Double Life filled Tango's mind. The time Scar burned down the Ranch, and Jimmy walked out with the same burnt body and teary-eyed expression. It broke his heart that day. Now the memories just filled Tango with rage.

The once red flames of the blaze born turned blue, an indication of the blonds anger level. He was so ingulfed in anger that he couldn't hear the faint cries of his name from behind him. Instead, Tango took out his iron sword, a twisted grin creeping onto his face as he knew what he was about to do. He wasn't going to kill Scar, only hurt him enough to teach him a lesson.

A gentle hand made itself known on Tango's shoulder, a touch the hybrid knew all too well. He looked over to be met with the pair of gentle brown eyes his Rancher possessed. A pair of beautiful eyes anyone could fall in love with.

Tango could feel his flames die down as he turned towards Jimmy, their eyes locking in with one another. "It's alright, Tango. I'm okay. We can get revenge later, let's just rest for now..."

"I can still feel you. I felt your emotions... you were scared. Scar can't get away with this!"

"And he won't. It's episode one, Tango. We can worry about Scar later..."

The blaze born sighed. As much as he wanted to avenge Jimmy, he knew the canary hybrid won't let him loose control of himself. He loved Jimmy, more than he likes to admit. Jimmy made him feel warm, safe and loved. Jimmy's smile made his day, and his laughter lit up any bad situation. All he wanted to do was keep that sunshine safe.

For now, he will wait, Tango's revenge can happen later. As the sun finally faded into the distance and darkness fell onto the server, all that was left to care about was Jimmy tightly wrapped into a hug in Tango's arms, just like old times.


Remember to leave a comment on what you want to see next! :D

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