It was not your fault (¡LL¡)

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Story idea given by @puggythegreat
TW:None so far, I think
Angst + Comfort
Third Person's POV (Martyn)

Martyn did it. He won! He won Limited Life. He felt relieved and happy, but also... dead? The energy he got from the Watchers just moments ago was fading, till he eventually felt himself falling back. Falling into the void.

The fall felt like it would never end, like he would never hit the ground ever again, but this gave him the time to think about the season. All of the laughs, the cries, the wars, and fighting. What popped up into Martyns head the most, however, was Scott. His day one ally, who let him into the Coral Isles even after he went running off.

The bond they formed throughout the episodes where as strong as the bond that he formed with Ren, if not even stronger. He smiled at the faught of Scott, his loyal siren companion, until his smile turned into a frown. He just killed Scott. He betrayed his own Mean Gill in order to win. Scott probably hated him!

This was what the Watchers wanted, a feast. A feast of sorrow, guilt, and shame. Martyn was providing them with power all throughout the life series. They have been taking control over him every time in order to cause some caios. And now they have finally claimed the fictory. Martyn finally claimed the fictory, but at what cost?

The fall came to an end. He was in the waiting room." A room covered in void and stars where all of the players go after the games are over. He saw everyone's friendly faces as they came up to him to congratulate him of his fictory. They called him a winner, but he didn't feel like one.

He slowly made his way to the corner of the room, his back against the wall. He sat down, knees up to his chest and his arms on his knees, resting his head on his arms. He felt like crying, but he kept it inside, not wanting to cry in front of his friends. He was starting to shake, trying to hold back tears.

Martyn felt numb, still not able to process what happened mere minutes ago. He could barely recognize anyone in the room. Their faces blurred out as if this was all just a dream.

He couldn't even recognize Scott as the cyanate approach the sitting ball of nervousness. Scott crouched down to get to Martyns height, a sad expression on his face. "Oh Martyn..." Came his soft voice, a sad tint in his tone. He hugged Martyn tightly, which was the last straw for the blond.

Martyn became a sobbing mess in the crowd of laughing faces, hugging Scott as tightly as he could master. Martyn's tears were soaking Scott's shirt, but he didn't mind, as the blond cried into Scott's chest.

Scott whispered, reassuring words into Martyn's ear, telling him that the game was over and that he knew Martyn didn't mean what he did. Martyn knew that Scott was being gentle and understanding, despite what had happened. He was overwhelmed with how forgiving his ally had been. It made his guilt and sorrow lower, just a bit.

Finally, Martyn's body stopped trembling, and he let himself relax. He pulled away from the hug to look at Scott and wondered whether his current feelings of guilt and regret would ever fade away. Martyn slowly shook his head and smiled, realizing that, in that time of suffering, he and Scott had grown so much closer.

The bond between them would never be forgotten, even if the game would. With a renewed sense of peace and newfound understanding, Martyn looked forward to the days ahead. Scott helped Martyn back onto his feet, giving him one last tight hug before both of them joined the rest of the server.

The rest of the night was spent talking about the funniest moments from the series, especially Skynet, which seemed to be liked and hated universally. Martyn laughed, feeling his mood rise from his low he was in before. He was with his friends, and he felt safe.

Sadly, it was time to part, with everyone going to different servers. As players started to log off of the server, Martyn and Scott shared one last moment together. Scott hugged Martyn as tightly as he could master without actually hurting him. Martyn returned the hug, laughing at how tight it was.

"Are you sure it was okay? I- I feel really bad, you know... I-" Scott pressed his fingers to Martyns lips, causing the taller of the two to stop talking. "I'm sure, Martyn. You didn't mean it. It was just a part of the game. I forgive you." With one last sad smile and a single tear falling from Martyns eyes, both of them dissolved, being teleported to their new destinations. To their servers.

Martyn, not really having a server, just floated around in the void, a sad smile playing off of his lips. He hoped to see Scott once again so he could hug him just as tightly as Scott hugs him. He will wait for Scott. He will wait for his Mean Gill.


Sorry for the short chapter. I didn't really know what to do with this topic, but I still tried :D

Remember to let me know in the comments what you would like to see next :D

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