A wedding to remember (DL)

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Thank you, puggythegreat for this chapters idea!

For once, the picture does not correspond with the story because I can't find any FlowerRanchers fanart! AHHHH :')

TW: Gay marriage (That's to be expected, lol)


Third Person's POV (Jimmy):

Jimmy stood nervously at the newly built church, adjusting the fabric of his handmade dress nervously as he took a deep breath. Today was the day, the day he was getting married to his two boyfriends, Scott and Tango. It wouldn't be an official marriage due to the fact it was done in a death game and not in an actual church, but no one was complaining.

Joel, Grian, Cleo and Pearl had spent most of the morning getting him ready, doing his hair and adding a small bit of makeup with the limited resources they had. Jimmy was wearing a beautiful sundress, and he couldn't have asked for anything more.

He felt as nervous as the day he told Tango about his love for Scott, maybe even more nervous than that day. The butterflies in his stomach also increased, leaving the blond with a feeling of too many feelings. "What if I won't be a good husband?" He found himself whispering to no one in particular. He didn't know if he would fulfill their expectations as a husband.

Jimmy felt a hand rest on his shoulder, and he looked over to see Joel standing next to him. "You will be an amazing husband, Jimmy. I have known you for most of my life, and I also have a wife. If anyone knows you're ready, it would be me." Grian ran up and smacked Joel on the forehead. "I know Jimmy longer than you! I also approve of your statement, however. I just wanted to slap you."

This caused a bickering between Joel and Grian as they chased each other around in the small room the 5 of them found themselves in. Cleo and Pearl looked disappointed, like two mothers taking care of their chaotic children. Jimmy, however, started laughing. The situation helped to lift his mood, as well as the kind words his childhood friends told him.

He was ready! He was ready to be the best husband he could possibly be to Tango and Scott, even after the death game ended. With the last few finishing touches put on the dress and Jimmy's hair, it was time to walk down the aisle.
Cleo went and took her place near the altar as the best woman on Jimmy's side. Scott and Tango decided to get one best man, and Martyn, who has been chosen, stood on the side of the other two men.

BigB was the flower girl, recklessly throwing the flower pettals on the ground before he went back to his seat. Etho played on his guitar to set the mood, also playing the "Here comes the bride" music as Jimmy came down the aisle.

Since Jimmy didn't have his father to accompany him down the aisle, Grian and Joel decided to step in as his "brother" figures. Hand in hand, the 3 of them started walking down the aisle. The place was beautiful! Most of the buildings were built by Grian, Joel, and Cleo, and the interior was done by Pearl and Etho. Red Poppies decorated the tables, and red rose petals littered the floor. A skylight casted sunlight directly onto the altar where Jimmy could now see his future husband's.

Tango was wearing a beautiful black suit with a rose in his hair. His hair was put back in a massy bun on the back of his head, which suited his style. The blazeborn had a soft smile playing off of his lips, and his vibrant red eyes glowed with exitement.

Scott's outfit was a mixture between a suit and a dress, a style not many have tried, but Scott was rocking it. Scott had a poppy in his hair, and his hair was braided back into a beautiful braid behind him. Ofcource Scott was wearing as many pieces of jewelry and makeup as he could master, which only made Scott's ocean blue eyes pop even more.

Jimmy arrived at the altar, Grian and Joel going to sit down in one of the chairs as Tango and Scott both took one of Jimmy's hands in theirs. They whispered sweet-nothings to each other, telling one another how beautiful the other looked. Ren was the "priest," starting to give a speech and then going on with the usual wedding traditions and speeches.

All while Ren was talking, Jimmy, Scott and Tango were staring into each other's eyes. None of them were paying attention to the words being spoken, but they didn't care. The only feeling they felt right now was the feeling of love, and they couldn't have asked for anything more.

The speeches were done, and the three men said their "I do's," not daring to look away from one another. Ren gave them a huge smile before saying the line he wanted to say so badly. "You may now kiss the groom my dude's!" The three made turns, giving each other delicate kisses until everyone had a turn. The rest of the server cheered, congratulating the newly wed throuple.

The rest of the night went smoothly. The tree of them were thrown with rice and took a bunch of fotos. They then shared a dance. Both Scott and Tango took turns to take Jimmy onto the dance floor. Then the flower tossing had to happen, and both Jimmy and Scott decided to throw it together, tossing the bouquet of poppies and roses back into the crowd.

To everyone's surprise, the bouquet landed directly into Grians lap, where he was sitting down, without the bird hybrid even trying to catch it. The smaller male covered his blushing face in embarrassment as Scar gave him a hug from behind, causing the rest of the server to burst out in laughter, to which Grian yelled at them ofcource

Eventually, it was time for everyone to leave and return to their bases, leaving Scott, Tango and Jimmy on their own. Tango came up with an idea, and the other two males loved it. They ran out of the makeshift church, all the way to the very first place they confessed their love to Scott. The open field where they held the picnic.

The three of them sat there in perfect silence, Jimmy leaning onto Tango and Scott as he sat in the middle of them. The stars shined brightly above them, and Scott would happily point out every time he saw a shooting star. It was perfect. Jimmy was so glad he had told Tango and Scott about how he felt, or this would have never happened.

Even if it wasn't an official wedding, it was their wedding, and it was magical. Jimmy soon fell asleep leaning against his husband's, his soft snoring, an indication of his absence in the now.

The three of them stayed like that for a little longer, soaking in the sounds, sights, and feelings around them. Tomorrow could wait for them. Right now, they were happy.

Remember to let me know what you would like to see in the next chapter!

I hope you all liked this part 2! :D

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