1 - The beginning

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((SOOO I wrote this story quite a while ago... A quick warning. DON'T READ IT. This story really sucks. sorry. I have a better fanfiction in the making - if you like the ship Ticci Toby x Masky, go read that one instead. No but seriously. DON'T READ THIS PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I WAS THINKING WHEN I WAS 12 AND WROTE THIS PILE OF SHIT. I mean, you can read it if you want to laugh at it like I laugh at my past self- Literally whenever I reread this shit, all I can think of is this piece of ironic trash:))

 I mean, you can read it if you want to laugh at it like I laugh at my past self- Literally whenever I reread this shit, all I can think of is this piece of ironic trash:))

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"Addilyn!" I heard someone yell, it sounded like my best friend - Taylor. I looked in her general direction, she ran to me at full speed, and when she came within a few feet of me, she skidded her feet and stopped. Her feet made a terrible screeching noise.

Taylor and I stayed after school - like we normally do - and there was barely anyone around.

"What's up?" I ask, uninterested. I turned my attention back to the computer right in front of me. It was on YouTube, a video about a Jeff the Killer sighting was paused. It was obviously a fake, created for attention, and it worked, cause it attracted me.

"Oh my god! Your not going to believe it!" Taylor held up a newspaper directly in front of my face, it took me a moment to actually be able to read it, but when my eyes adjusted, the cover stated: Three girls found dead last night, the words "go to sleep" carved into their stomachs.

"Come on Taylor, this is obviously just a scam. Just another person seeking attention who went so far as actual murder. It's not actually Jeff. Because if it was, I would be the first to know!"

"But what if it was the real Jeff! Come on, I know he's your favorite spooky noodle!" She said, grinning a stupid, childish smile.

"First of all, you know it's not spooky noodle, it's CreepyPasta. Second, if this was the real thing - which it's not - why hasn't there been ANY more information on him other then these murders?"

"Oh loosen up!" She's right, I got a bit snippy with her.

I apologized, I'm really glad that I have two great friends who can deal with my short temper without judging me.

"Anyway, pretend that this was real, what would you do?" Taylor asked, her eyes showing giddiness and anticipation for my response. I find it funny how much she tries to act like she knows anything about the things I'm into.

I prepared myself for her disappointment with my answer. "Well, first I would hunt him down, then stalk him, then when he finds me out I will beg him to take me up as an apprentice, because my other option is death." I said flatly, I've already explained this to her like fifty times.

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