18 - Death and Destruction

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~Author's Note: Hello loyal readers! I know that at this point you are few, but I am hoping that once I am done, there will be many people who enjoy my work. Chapter 18 already! Dang, I remember when I first set out to write a fan-fiction for Jeffy, aah those were the good old days! Believe it or not, we are almost done! I planned out the rest of the chapters and I realized... The last chapter will be 19..... short story I know, but it's good.. Isn't it? ~

I hit the ground rather painfully. I landed on my back, and I think I also landed on a small stone.

I sat up and looked at Jane, she was still laying down, her eyes were open wide with shock, staring up at the sky. She was still alive, I could tell by the long, slow breaths she took.

I still had my knife in my hand luckily, and I decided to use it. I tried to stab Jane, but she blocked it with her knife.

Sirens sounded in the distance. Jane and I looked around and saw multiple police cars surround the area.

"Shit!" I heard Jane whisper, she took the word right out of my mouth.

Police officers got out of their cars, guns in hand. I saw a couple go into the friends house and a minute later come out with Addilyn and Lexy. Where's Toby?

"Drop your weapons and put your hands where we can see them!" A man yelled to us, I heard Jane scoff, We did not expect this, and I am not in the mood for dealing with cops today.

I stood up, pain rushed through my back from the fall, I looked around at the cops and saw that they all were aiming at me. I dropped my knife and put my hands in the air.

Jane looked up at me like I was crazy and I sent her a small wink. She rolled her eyes and just continued to sit there.

"Miss, if you would please do the same as the boy next to you and put down your weapon and stand up, there will be no need for us to shoot." The man from before called over to us.

"Yeah Jane, be a doll and follow my lead!" I whispered down to her, chuckling. Jane refused to budge, she just sat there, looking bored.

After some thought Jane shot up off the ground, but didn't drop her weapon. I saw the look in her eyes and decided I should probably go now.

I looked around for my way out, and saw that the window was still open. I didn't have time to bend down and pick up my knife and run before I was shot at, so I decided to just run.

I spun myself towards the house and ran at it, I climbed up the side of the house and had to try and avoid all the bullets being fired at me. I made it inside the house without getting shot, and didn't have anytime to spare. I ran across the room, towards my knife that is still stuck in the wall, and with a mighty tug I pulled it out. I brushed off the plaster on the blade and ran out of the room.

I found a small room on the other side of the house with a window that faced the other way than the one in Lexy's room. I jumped up onto the ledge and climbed up on the roof.

I crawled stealthily over towards where Jane was, I saw her plunge her knife into the heart of an innocent cop. God dammit Jane! Not the cops!

I shook my head, I don't have time for this! I ran back the other way, towards the window I came up through, and when I reached the edge of the roof, I jumped.

I soared through the air and landed almost gracefully on the roof of the next house over. I heard gunshots, but they weren't coming for me.

I ran to the other side of the house, where there was nobody to see me and jumped down to the ground. I ran around the side of the building careful not to be seen, and tried to spot Addilyn. I saw her, she was sitting by her best friend on a city bench, they were talking and crying. Teenage girly stuff.

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