16 - Help from an Enemy

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~ Jeff's Pov ~

I really messed up. I destroyed the life of the girl I love. I need to find this killer. If it's not Slender, or Ben, Toby, Sally, Masky or Hoodie... Who is it? It wouldn't be a regular person... It's unlikely that it would be EJ or anyone else...

Oh god, wait, no! That bitch! How did I not see it before? She hates me!!!

"I know who it is." I said, looking up at everyone's anticipated, worried faces. My look stopped at Addilyn's eyes. They were red and puffy from all the crying she's been forced to do.

"Who?!" She asked, taking a small step towards me.

"It's Jane."

Everyone had there own response. Sally, Toby and Addy gasped, Ben just looked mildly surprised, and Masky and Hoodie both sighed. A sigh that almost clearly said How did we not see this before?

"That actually makes a ton of sense..." Ben mumbled.

Addilyn's eyes looked down to the floor. "But why would she do this?"

"Easy," Ben started. "Jane hates Jeff. She probably thinks that if she kills you, she can kill him easier."

Addilyn looked petrified. She was terrified, and I don't blame her. "Hey, don't worry. I'll protect you from anyone and everyone who would ever even think about hurting you." I said, giving her the warmest smile I could manage right now.

Toby talked next. "Uum... Guys... Where is Jane?"

"I haven't seen her all day, not since last night..." Sally said, clutching her teddy bear tight against her chest.

"You're right, I haven't seen her in a while." Ben said, running his hand through his blonde hair.

"Do you think shes going to kill Lexy?" Addy said to me, her eyes wide and worried.

"I'm not sure..." I said truthfully.

If it wasn't for me, Slender wouldn't have killed her mom. If it wasn't for me, Jane wouldn't have killed Taylor. If it wasn't for me, Jane wouldn't be trying to kill Addilyn! If it wasn't for me, Addy's whole life would be safe and happy! Why the heck did I come back for her?! I keep telling myself that I can protect her, but I'm making it worse!

Why did I ever think I could fall in love? Monsters like me don't deserve love, or second chances, or happiness. Monsters like me only deserve HATE!

Why does she put up with me? She knows I'm only going to hurt her more and more! Why does she stay with me? I'm going to ruin her life, and then kill her because that's just what I am: a sick, twisted animal. Why does she love me? She seems so normal! Normal girls don't fall for serial killers.

Why do I allow myself to believe that I could be happy?

~ Addilyn's Pov ~

Jeff has been staring at the floor for a long time, deep in thought. I wonder what he's thinking about. Whatever it is, it doesn't seem to be anything good. Jeff seems to be getting madder and madder by the second.

"Jeff..?" I asked him, reaching a nervous hand out and placing it gently on his shoulder. He didn't look at me, his head was still tilted down to the ground.

I could feel his whole body shaking softly. It wasn't the kind of shaking you would do when you're crying, or even laughing, it's the kind you would do out of rage.

He looked up at me, and his face showed he lost his humanity. Jeff smiled a wicked, demonic grin, that spread from ear to ear. His eyes no longer looked at me lovingly, now they looked like they could kill me. His whole posture changed too, he's no longer standing up straight, he's almost slouched over.

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