Chapter 24 - Dean Punches Zander

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**** Dean's Point of View - One Week Later ****

Dean was making his way across campus through the crowded courtyard when his phone dinged with a text. He dug his phone out of his pocket and looked down to see that it was from Berkley.

'Hey, can we meet up for dinner later? I need to talk to you about something important.'

He was just about to text her back when he heard a familiar voice. He looked up to see Zander standing there in his coast guard uniform, surrounded by a bunch of other guys wearing the same thing. They were all talking loud and laughing, but Zander's voice was the loudest and most obnoxious of them all. Just hearing it was like nails on a chalkboard, making Dean clench his teeth together.

Zander looked over and noticed Dean standing there and a slight smile appeared on his face before he turned back to his friends and announced loudly, "Yeah, you guys should've heard Berkley squealing like a fuckin' pig last night when I was pounding into her. I'm surprised nobody called the police, cause it sounded like she was being murdered," he laughed. "Oh Zander! You're the best I've ever had!" he shouted loudly, as he tilted his head back and closed his eyes, moaning as his friends busted out laughing.

Dean's eyes narrowed as his hands tightened into fists at his sides, making his knuckles crack. This time he had gone too far. There was no way in hell he was gonna let him get away with disrespecting Berkley like that. He stalked towards him, dropping his backpack onto the ground on the way.

With a smug expression Zander looked over at him and asked, "Yes? Can I help you with something?"

"You had sex with Berkley?" Dean asked forcefully, before shoving him in the chest, making him take a couple steps backwards.

"Whoa there buddy. Calm down," Zander laughed, looking over at his friends with a cocky smile before looking back at Dean, saying, "Sorry man. I'm not one to kiss and tell."

"Because you're too much of a gentleman?" Dean scoffed. "We both know that's bullshit, so tell me the fucking truth! DID YOU HAVE SEX WITH BERKLEY?!" he shouted, feeling his anger rising.

Zander didn't act scared or intimidated at all, which pissed Dean off even more. He had no idea who he was messing with, but if he kept this up he was about to find out.

Zander gave him a hint of a smile and shrugged, "Maybe I did. What's it to you anyway? It's not like she's your girlfriend. She's free to fuck whoever the hell she wants, and apparently that's me."

"What's it to me?" Dean repeated with raised eyebrows, shocked at the audacity of this prick. "How about I let my fucking fist explain it to you?!"

"Yeah right," Zander laughed, looking around at his friends with an arrogant confidence, like he thought they were gonna protect him. He walked up and got close to Dean's face before saying quietly, "Look, we both know you're only mad because she said I'm the best she's ever had. That's gotta sting, knowing the only other man she's ever been with was YOU," he said with a smug smile. "The funny thing is, she didn't even crack my top ten. Honestly, it was pretty fucking forgettable ....... or should I say pretty forgettable fucking," he laughed at his lame joke and his asshole friends started laughing too, giving him high fives and fist bumps.

That was it. He couldn't take anymore. Without hesitation, Dean swung forward, connecting his fist with the side of Zander's face, making him stagger sideways and almost fall down. He stood up, holding his jaw and blinking with wide eyes, looking surprised.

"WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM ASSHOLE?!" he shouted. "You can't just go around hitting people when they say something you don't like, like some sort of neanderthal caveman with no impulse control!"

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