Chapter 5 - The Indecent Proposal

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The next morning Berkley woke up to light streaming in through her dorm room window. She took air in, slowly blinking her eyes open as they adjusted to the bright light, looking around as her brain slowly became aware of Dean's body cuddled up closely against hers from behind with his arm wrapped tightly around her waist. He had spent the night in her bed thousands of times before and waking up with him cuddling her was nothing new, but this felt different.

Her eyes shot open when she realized what was different. His penis was rock hard and he was grinding it against her butt cheek. Just as she was about to move away from him, his hand slid underneath her shirt and cupped around one of her breasts, massaging it as he groaned against her neck. She froze. Was this really happening right now?

"Dean?" she whispered. No answer. "DEAN!" she shouted.

He stopped moving and suddenly jerked away from her, falling off of the bed onto the floor, scrambling to his feet and looking shocked as he realized what he had just done. His eyes were wide and he looked at her in the bed for a second as his half-asleep brain was still processing what just happened.

"Fuck! I'm so sorry Berkley. I didn't mean to do that. I was having a dream and it felt so real," he said, his face flushing red with embarrassment.

Her eyes left his face and looked down at the large bulge standing straight up in his boxer shorts and he looked down realizing what she was looking at. He covered himself with his hands and then grabbed one of the pillows off her bed and held it in front of himself.

He grabbed his pants and shirt off of the floor, putting them on really fast before saying he'd be right back as he headed out the door. A while later he came back in the room acting nervous.

"Is there any way we can just pretend this morning never happened?" he asked with an awkward laugh, reaching up and running a hand through his brown hair. "It was seriously just an accident and I don't want things to feel awkward between us now."

It was unusual to see Dean looking flustered and not confident.

"Of course ........ we can't," she answered with a mischievous smile. "You know I'm gonna have to give you shit about this for the next several years. And just when you think I've finally forgotten it I'm gonna bring it back up again."

"How did I know you were gonna say that?" he laughed, shaking his head and rolling his eyes before tossing a pillow at her face that she blocked.

"Because, you know me better than anyone else. That's how," she answered with a smile, getting up and grabbing some clothes out of her closet and her shower caddy. "I'm gonna go take a shower and get cleaned up. I'll be back." She turned and looked back at him, laughing one more time before closing the dorm room door behind her as she headed down the hall towards the bathroom.

As she took a shower, she thought about the fact that if it had been any other guy that had felt her up while she was asleep, she would've literally kicked their ass, but she knew Dean well enough to know he didn't do it on purpose. She believed him when he said he was just dreaming and the shame and embarrassment written all over his face afterwards proved that it was true.

She knew without a doubt he would never do something to her she didn't want to do. She was closer to him than anyone else in the world and she trusted him completely. The funny thing was, she didn't even feel weird or creeped out about the fact that he had touched her boob and pressed his hard on against her. Surprisingly, it felt like no big deal.

It got her thinking that maybe Ember was right that he would be a good person to practice with for her first time because she was so comfortable with him and he was safe. She decided she would talk to him about it and see what he thought.

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