Chapter 11 - A Serious Talk with Dean

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***** The Next Morning *****

Berkley was sitting at the kitchen island eating a bowl of cereal when Dean walked in shirtless, wearing a pair of baggy sweatpants low on his hips so that the elastic band of his underwear showed a little.

She didn't lift her head up to look at him, keeping her eyes locked instead on her bowl of Cheerios. He grabbed the box and poured himself a bowl and then poured some milk into it.

"Did you have any nightmares last night?" he asked, putting the milk back in the fridge.

She had woken up three times, screaming and covered in sweat, but she wasn't ready to talk to him yet so she just stared straight ahead, stone faced and silent.

"Ahhh. You're giving me the old silent treatment huh? VERY mature," he said sarcastically, plopping down onto the bar stool next to her and taking a bite of his cereal.

She kept staring straight ahead and didn't even acknowledge what he just said, taking another bite and chewing it aggressively.

As she chewed she thought about their conversation the night before, getting half way through her bowl of cereal before finally turning to him and saying, "I still can't believe you're the reason Blake hooked up with Skye Evans. The fact that you'd do that to me is really fuckin' shitty Dean," looking directly into his eyes.

Dean searched her eyes, thinking, before finally letting out a sigh and shaking his head. "I wasn't trying to hurt you Berk. You know I'd never do that. I did it because I knew that guy was a cheater. I could feel it. All he needed was the right opportunity, so I set him up to show you what kind of guy he was before you got in too deep and fell in love with the asshole."

She scoffed. "Well maybe he wouldn't have been a cheater if you hadn't set him up! You set a trap to tempt him with a woman no straight man would have turned down!" she yelled. "

Dean looked surprised by her outburst. She had never yelled at him like that before, but then again, she had never been this angry with him before.

"And then you PROMISED not to interfere with my relationship with Zander, but instead you just came up with a sneakier way to do it, thinking you wouldn't get caught!" she yelled, shaking her head in judgement. "I can't even tell you how fucking tired I am of having every relationship I try to get into sabotaged by you and my freakin' brother. I'm REALLY fucking sick of it!"

"Well MAYBE if you had better taste in men and quit choosing douchebag assholes, we wouldn't have to get involved!" he shouted back, defensively.

She didn't have a comeback for that because he was right. She always seemed to pick the wrong guys, but obviously she wasn't doing it on purpose.

"Oh, and speaking of douchebags, you didn't give me a chance to finish telling you what I overheard Zander saying to his friend in class before you stormed off last night."

She was surprised there was more.

"What else did he say?" she asked hesitantly, poking around at her cereal to distract herself from the knot forming in her stomach.

"Not only did he say he was doing all the sappy bullshit he had to just to get in your pants, he also said he's not ready to be tied down to one woman and that hot chicks like you are a dime a dozen and you're nothing special."

Hearing that stung and it hurt to hear.

"That guy's not looking for a relationship Berk. He's looking to get laid so he can brag to his friends that he finally bagged the virgin that played hard to get. After he gets what he wants, he's gonna be gone."

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