Chapter 10 - Dean Betrays Berkley

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Berkley and Dean were sitting on folding chairs around the fire pit on the beach, holding marshmallows on a skewer over the fire. Berkley's suddenly burst into flames. It took her a few seconds to blow it out and then it slowly oozed off the skewer and dropped right into the sand.

"Ugh! I swear this always happens to me!" she whined.

Dean shook his head laughing, with a smile. "Yeah, cause you always get it too close to the flame. I'll just give you one of mine like I always do," he said, rolling his eyes.

"Awww. Thank you Deanie Weenie!" she said, leaning over and kissing his cheek.

He glared over at her. "Dude. You know how much I hate that fucking nickname."

She faked a shocked expression. "Really? I had no idea." A couple minutes later she looked over at him, fighting back a smile as she asked, "Hey Deanie Weenie? Will you pass me the hot dogs?"

He put down his skewer and stood up, scooping her up out of her chair into his arms and walking towards the ocean, while she protested loudly.

"What are you doing?!" she shouted, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding on.

"I think someone needs a bath!" he said with a triumphant smile.

"No! Please don't! I promise I won't call you Deanie Weenie anymore!" she squealed, struggling to get the words out through her laughter. She gripped onto his shoulders for dear life as he leaned down, getting ready to drop her into the cold ocean water. She looked over and saw the water a few inches away from her face and screamed, squeezing onto his shoulders tighter and trying to pull herself up.

"Take me back to the beach!" she cried out, begging desperately.

He considered it for a second before letting out an exhale and shaking his head with a smile. Right before she touched the water, he lifted her up and stood up straight again.

"You're REALLY lucky I'm a nice guy," he told her as he started walking back towards the beach, trudging through the knee-deep cold water. When they got to the fire pit, he dropped her back down into her chair and then sat down in his own, picking his skewer back up.

She glanced over at him, trying to fight back a smile.

"Man, Deanie Weenie has a wittle temper," she whispered under her breath, with a giggle.

He lunged towards her, but she jumped up first and ran as fast as she could down the dark beach, kicking up sand behind her, laughing so hard her side hurt. She didn't look back, but she knew he was chasing her.

When she finally thought she had lost him, she stopped running to catch her breath, only to get tackled into the sand from behind. He assaulted her stomach and sides with tickles as she squealed and laughed, trying to fight him off but failing miserably.

Finally Dean collapsed down onto the sand beside her, and they both laid there panting, catching their breath for a minute with smiles on their faces.

He turned his head to look over at her.

"You know what? If you keep calling me Deanie Weenie, I might just have to post that video on Tik Tok of you dancing around your bedroom in your Spongebob Squarepants underwear, singing It's Raining Men into your hairbrush. That was a classic."

"You wouldn't dare! I would literally kill you!" she laughed, reaching over and smacking him in the chest.

"Try me. Call me Deanie Weenie again and see what happens," he said confidently. "I dare you."

She knew he was bluffing.

She rolled up on her side and leaned in really close and whispered softly in his ear, "Deeeeeanie Weeeeeeenie."

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