Chapter 28 - Reunited

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**** Berkley's Point of View ****

Berkley was laying on her stomach on the Queen-sized bed in her room at her Dad's house, flipping through the pages of her Senior yearbook. She had spotted it on her shelf and was feeling sentimental, so she decided to take a look.

As she flipped through the pages, she stopped on a big picture of Dean in an all black tux, wearing a Prom King sash across his chest and a gold crown on top of his head. He had a mischievous gleam in his eye and a cocky smirk on his face. Sydney, the head cheerleader, was clinging onto his arm proudly, wearing a sparkly tiara and a sash that said Prom Queen.

Berkley took a deep breath in and let out a sigh, slowly tracing a finger over Dean's face, and suddenly realizing how much she missed seeing that smirk of his. And it wasn't just his smirk she missed. She missed everything; the sound of his voice, his laugh, his hugs, the smell of his cologne on her pillow, their long conversations, and the way he could always cheer her up when she had a bad day. Most of all, she missed the way he made her feel when she was with him, like everything was right in the world.

She had been able to cope over the last three months by keeping herself busy and distracted with school work, but after seeing Dean with his girlfriend yesterday, he was the only thing she could think about and she felt like she was going crazy. The thought of him having a girlfriend was tormenting her and she hardly slept last night.

She had felt better when she thought he had commitment issues and didn't want to tie himself down to just one woman, but obviously that wasn't the case since he had a girlfriend now. Apparently he just didn't want her and that realization had hit her like a ton of bricks. Seeing Stacia on his arm made Berkley so jealous she couldn't stand it. Just thinking about it made her want to cry.

It hurt to know that Dean would rather make some stranger he barely knew his first official girlfriend instead of her. What did Stacia have that she didn't? Thinking about that made every insecurity she ever had resurface. Was she not pretty enough for him? She normally didn't give a shit what anybody thought about how she looked, but when it came to Dean, that was a different story. She cared a little too much, especially now.

Things had definitely changed between them, and not for the better. She wished everything could just go back to the way it was before it got so screwed up and complicated, when they were just best friends. That was looking more and more unlikely the longer time went on.

She kept thinking she would get a call or a text from him, but after three months, it was starting to look like that might never happen. She wondered how long he wanted this 'friendship break' to last.

Then a thought crossed her mind. What if he wanted it to be permanent? What if he had outgrown her friendship and didn't need her anymore? That's when she realized she might have to get used to being without him. Her life had revolved around Dean for so many years that she wasn't even sure how to do that.

As she looked down at his picture, her heart ached, thinking about how much she missed him. She couldn't take it. She snapped the yearbook shut and tossed it onto her bedside table, before rolling over onto her back and staring up at the ceiling.

She was pulled out of her thoughts by a light tapping sound on her bedroom window. She looked over and watched the window slowly slide up before Dean poked his head inside, and then the rest of his body slid in behind him, landing him onto the floor.

He stood up and closed the window behind him, shaking the powdery white snow off of his clothes and hair.

"Hey," he said, looking down and giving her a weak smile.

He looked so handsome that it made her breath catch in her throat and her heart skip a beat. Was she dreaming or was he really standing there in her bedroom?

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