Chapter 4 - Night Terrors

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Berkley woke up the next morning to the feeling of something tickling her nose. She put her hand up to scratch the itch and felt something wet and soft hit her face and then she heard Dean laughing. She slowly blinked her eyes open and looked around, quickly realizing that he had filled her hand with shaving cream and then tickled her nose, making her smear it all over her face.

"Dude! What are we, five years old?" she laughed, as she wiped some of it off. When she saw that it was all over her hair too, she shouted, "I'm gonna kick your ass!" lunging at him.

She attempted to wipe some of the shaving cream in her hand on him, but he was too fast and easily sidestepped her.

"How exactly are you gonna kick my ass? You're half my size!" he scoffed, grabbing her wrists and pushing her hands towards her face, rubbing the shaving cream around on it again and laughing.

She narrowed her eyes at him as he laughed like crazy.

"Dean! You know I hate that nickname!" she screamed as she tackled him onto the bed, wrestling with him in an attempt to rub her face against his and finally get shaving cream on him, but it was no use because he was so much stronger than her. He flipped her over so he was on top of her now, easily pinning her arms down to the bed above her head.

"What are you gonna do now?" he asked with a smirk on his face. He was so competitive and he always gloated when he won. She was competitive too so she hated it.

"You're such a freakin' idiot! I swear!" she yelled, laughing as she looked up into his face. "No wonder you don't have a girlfriend. No woman would put up with your shit."

"Not true. You put up with me," he smiled.

"Ha!" she laughed loudly. "I don't count. I HAVE to put up with you. Our Dad's own a business together."

He let go of her wrists and sat up, clutching his chest like he was shot in the heart. "Ouch! That really hurts. You've wounded me," he said, falling over onto the bed beside her, pretending to be dead.

"You deserved it. A gentleman would never treat a lady like that," she said in her best attempt at a Southern Bell accent, like her roommate's.

Dean scoffed. "First off, let's get one thing straight. I don't have a girlfriend because I don't want one. And I'm sorry ma'am, but I'm no gentleman and YOU sure as hell are no lady," he said laughing. "You can burp louder than any man I know."

She punched his arm and said, "Hey, just because I can kick your ass at video games and burp louder, that doesn't make me a dude, unless you know guys that have tits this big."

He gasped in fake shock putting his hand to his chest. "Such language! I thought you were a lady?" he laughed. "As for your boobs I've never seen them. Who's to say you don't stuff your bra?"

"Ha!" she laughed, smacking him and rolling her eyes. "Nice try pervert. I'm not showing you my boobs. Anyway, you got quite the eyeful last night."

"Yeah and so did everybody else," he laughed shaking his head. "Keep this up and I might just have to stop calling you a prude," he told her with a playful smirk.

"Oh no. I'm still a prude," she laughed. "You and my brother wouldn't allow me to turn into a slut even if I wanted to. Every guy that's ever gotten close to getting in my pants has been threatened within an inch of his life."

"That's true," he nodded. "But now it's left up to me since your brother's all the way out in California."

"Oh no it's not!" she said loudly, shaking her head. "High school's over buddy. We're in college now, which means I'm grown and I can take care of myself. I don't need you or my brother or anybody else protecting me anymore!"

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