Chapter 18 - Dean Redeems Himself

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Dean pulled out and stood up off of the bed, taking Berkley's hands and helping her up, before leading her over to a really heavy, solid oak table that was about waist height. He gently pushed on her back, making her bend over onto it and she laid down flat against it, feeling the chill of the cold, smooth wood on her stomach and breasts. Then he took her hands in his and guided them up to the edge of the table above her head and said, "Hold onto this," before nudging her feet apart with his until her legs were spread wide.

She laid there against the cold table, trying to catch her breath and trembling with nervous energy, wondering what he was going to do next.

He leaned down close, hovering right above the back of her head as he whispered in her ear, "Are you sure you're ready for this?" in a deep, husky tone that made her insides flutter, as he grazed a finger lightly down her spine, sending chill bumps across her skin. Her breath caught in her throat as her heart started beating faster, and the spot between her legs pulsed in anticipation.

"Yeah, I'm ready," she panted. "I trust you Dean. I would try anything with you," she said breathlessly.

He let out a frustrated exhale. "Fuck. You can't say shit like that to me Berk. You're gonna make it way too fucking hard for this to be our last time."

'I hope so,' she thought to herself.

She didn't have the guts to actually say it out loud because she wasn't sure how he would react if she did.

Dean moved even closer, his warm skin pressing up against her back side as his left hand slid around and locked onto her left hipbone. His right hand positioned his hard length between her legs from behind, rubbing his erection up and down against her folds before finding her entrance and pressing against it. As he slowly slid inside her, she felt her insides being stretched, making her moan softly, still feeling overwhelmed by how amazing it felt having him inside her.

When he was all the way in, he got a firm grip on both of her hips and then quickly slammed his length up into her with all his might, making her cry out and tighten her grip on the edge of the table above her.

He leaned down and softly bit into her shoulder, just enough to make it pleasurable and whispered into her ear, "Let me know if it gets to be too much for you baby."

Hearing him call her baby made her insides flutter and her heart skipped a beat.

"Never," she said breathlessly. "I can take anything you can fucking give me."

"There's the Berkley I know. Always the lady," he said sarcastically with a deep sexy laugh. "Be careful what you ask for."

He laid his naked body down onto hers, covering her smaller frame and enveloping her completely with his strong, broad body as he gripped onto the edge of the table above her head, using it as leverage to thrust his hard length up into her even harder.

It felt so good she couldn't help but scream out, "Dean!" and the louder she cried out and moaned, the harder and deeper he drove himself up into her.

Their bare skin smacked together and the table banged against the wall as he slammed against her over and over.

"Dean. You feel so good," she cried out.

"So do you," he said breathlessly. "You feel fucking amazing."

He went hard and fast for a long time, ravaging her body until she was absolutely exhausted and panting.

Then he gradually started slowing down until eventually he was sliding in and out of her gently, taking his time. The soft touch of his hands running through her long hair and skimming across the sensitive skin of her back and arms, sent chills over her entire body. Being touched like that felt foreign to her, but so right at the same time.

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