Chapter 8 - Ember Asks About Nightmares

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Berkley smiled and said, "Yeah. I'd really like that Zander."

That put a big smile on his face as he slipped his hand into hers and she looked over at him as they walked back down the pier.

He was so handsome that she could hardly believe he really liked her. This all felt like a dream that she was going to wake up from. The fact that he was the one that saved her life made this whole thing feel even more romantic. Imagine if they were to get married and have kids, what a great story they would have to tell them about how their parents met. He looked over and their eyes met and she smiled, before looking down at the ground.

When Zander dropped her back off at her dorm later that night, he got off his motorcycle and took off his helmet, helping her take hers off too before pulling her in for another hug. He held her for a minute as she breathed his cologne in deeply. Then he pulled in at her waist, bringing her body against him before leaning down and covering her mouth with his, kissing her deeply.

His tongue pushed past her lips and massaged against hers, making her insides flutter as she kissed him back, lifting her arms and wrapping them around his neck. He kissed her with so much passion that it made her entire body tingle and her legs felt weak. When he finally pulled back from the kiss and took a step back, her heart was racing and she was breathless.

"Good night beautiful," he said with a sexy smirk and a wink, before pulling his shiny black motorcycle helmet back on and sitting back down on his bike.

"Good night," she said with a shy smile and a weak, little wave, watching him start up the engine with a deep rumble and drive it away out of the parking lot.

She turned and walked towards her dorm with the biggest smile on her face she had ever had.

When she got up to her dorm room, Ember was laying on her stomach with papers and books laid all around her bed, writing in a notebook.

"Hey," she said with a cheerful smile. "How'd your date go?"

Berkley flopped down onto her bed with a dreamy smile on her face.

"It was amazing," she sighed. "Zander is SO sweet. He took me for a walk on the beach and we held hands and just talked for hours. When he dropped me back off, he gave me the most amazing kiss I've ever had in my life," she said, with her cheeks flushing as she smiled at the memory.

"Awww. I'm so happy for you. I'm glad it went well," Ember told her, before going back to her work. A minute later she looked up and said, "Hey, I ummmm, I hate to ruin your good mood, but I actually wanted to talk to you about something."

"Oh yeah? What about?" Berkley asked, propping herself up on her elbows as she laid on her stomach.

"Before I ask, I just want to preface it by saying that if I'm being too nosy, just tell me to butt out. I promise I won't get my feelings hurt."

"Okay," Berkley said hesitantly with an awkward laugh, wondering what in the world she was going to ask.

"Those nightmares you have, they ummm, they sound pretty brutal," Ember said quietly, looking down at her notepad. Then she lifted her head and looked at Berkley, searching her eyes. "Did something happen to your Mom? You were screaming Mom over and over in your sleep last night."

Berkley hadn't expected that question and it took the wind right out of her lungs, making her suddenly feel an aching pang in her stomach as her brain struggled with how to answer. She had been on such a high from her date with Zander that she had almost forgotten about her nightmares and what had caused them for a while.

She slowly sat up, looking down at her hands in her lap as she said quietly, "Yeah, about six months ago me and my Mom went through something really, really bad and ever since then, I've had nightmares where I relive what happened that day. During the day time I can usually block those memories out, but at night when I'm asleep, I'm not in control of my thoughts and everything comes back."

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