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She tried to run but he caughted her putting his one hand beside her head while the other hand was on her waist
She started crying, her soul trembled when Taehyung's hot breath touched her warm cheek , she looked down.

"Eyes on me little angel" said Taehyung looking at her angelic face.

But she didn't have the courage to look into Taehyung's eyes.

"I don't like to repeat my words " he said with little anger in his words

She immediately looked at Taehyung.

"In my eyes princess" he rasped out seductively.

She looked into his eyes , she felt like her soul was burning from inside, she had never looked into any boy's eyes before and especially when it was Taehyung.

His eyes is so beautiful, the beautiful shade of dark brown orbs were looking so delightful she was admiring his features without knowing that it's been a couple minutes she's staring at his face

"I love how your eyes look at me " He softly whispers.

At that very moment yn lowered her eyelids.

"Am i this much handsome ?" Taehyung rasped out in his deep voice.

She didn't replied.

And he smashed his lips with her soft one as tears start falling from her eyes , he hold both of her hands and pinned them on the wall making her breast up , he started bitting her lips like a beast his kiss went wild making her cry more hard.

She started moving and tried to free herself from his grip somehow she pushed him with her little strength
which he didn't liked at all , he glare at her.

" Try it again and i swear i won't hesitate to make you moan my name all night "
said Taehyung , looking at her chest and moving his tongue in three sixty degree inside his mouth.

" How can he say those type of words to me , how can he be so shameless , how could he do this with me ? " thought yn

"I can do whatever i want " he rasped out

She got shocked how he get to know what she's thinking.

"P-please le-let me go" she uttered

"Never my angel , i didn't bring you here to let you go " he said with anger is visible in his words.

He don't like her words, why she wants to go away from him ? She have to stay with him for lifetime , he will never let her go , she is only his , no one can separate them , and if anyone tried then its will be their last day on this planet.

" 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗲 , 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗲 get this in your little brain " He calmly stated staring deep into her dark brown orbs.

She gulped hard before she could say anything he placed his finger on her lips..


" You only have 15 minutes go get fresh up and come downstairs for dinner " said Taehyung and left the room.

As soon as he left she fell down on the floor, crying and cursing her fate , she hold her knees and put her head between her knees.

"Remember only 15 minutes, don't waste time and come fast " a deep & firmly voice came from outside the door

She got up and went to bathroom, she again started crying, she looked herself in the mirror her glossy lips and a little cut on it because of how he bitted it.
She saw the Hickey which he leaved when she was in her sleep.

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