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-In midnight-

Author's pov:

Yn opened her eyes and growl when she felt pain in her lower abdomen, she gulp looking at Taehyung who was sleeping beside her with his hand on her waist, she slowly removed his hand and went inside the bathroom.

She released a sigh in frustration when she saw menstrual blood on her pants.
Now poor girl don't know what to do, she don't have pads nor she have courage to talk about this to Taehyung!

And why would she ask him for help?

She thought of going downstairs and ask for help from maid. She slowly opened the door of room and went downstairs without making any sound.

Yn saw the little room of maid, She was about to knock the door but she heard some sound, she put her ear near the door so that she could hear.


Maid: No, he hasn't suspected me yet don't worry.


Maid: uhh earlier it was easy to get the file but now that girl stays at home all the time.


Maid: ok boss.

"Who is she talking to so late at night?" Yn mumble

Yn knocked the door after a few seconds the door get opened, yn looks at the maid who was sweating.

"What happened, are you okay? Why are you sweating in this cold?" Yn asked her

The maid gulped

"M-me? Nothing-nothing happened " the maid said while wiping the sweat from her neck.

"Do you want anything?" Maid asked

"Oh yeah, i got my periods so.. um do you have pads?" Yn said

"Yes, wait I'll give you" the maid said and went to bring..

"Here" said while handing it to yn

"Thankyou so much" yn said and bowed

The maid also bowed back and smiled at her.


Yn came out from washroom, she walk towards the bed, she grabs the duvet but suddenly Taehyung pulls it making her flinch. He sat straight and stare at her for some time He grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him.

" Wasn't someone planning to kill me at night? " He whispers near her ears

Hearing his words her eyes got widen and she start shooking her head.

He chuckled looking at her indefensible face, he tugged her strand behind her ears and said "Then what were you doing?"

"N-nothing" she said

"Lying to me could get you in trouble" he said and start rubbing his hand on her nape.

She don't wanted to tell him about her periods, she's not comfortable with it and why she should tell?

She bites her lower lip "um.."

"Tell me sweetheart" he said and bits her earlobe, she closed her eyes tightly

"N-nothing i just went to bathroom" she said

He chuckled and said " i already told you, lying to me could get you in trouble sweetie"

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